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You are visiting my site on: March 12, 2025


Blog Posts
The Louisiana legislature met recently to find ways to crack down on crime. And yes, there are so many solutions that are being implemented all over America. So what did our Bayou State guys and gals do? They just stuck it to the old guys. Violent crime is taking place all over Louisiana by young...
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It’s Super Tuesday week with presidential primaries taking place all over the nation. So where is Louisiana in the mix? Irrelevant! Louisiana does not get into the race for president until March 23, several weeks away. By that time, decisions on other candidates have been made all over the nation. Why are we last? Why...
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What’s all this talk about being too old to run for public office? OK, OK. Biden and Trump are both pretty old guys. Kind of like me. So are all of us over the hill and not fit to serve in making policy and running the state or the country? Good question! I take a...
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A blockbuster sale of Louisiana’s largest insurance company has been put on the back burner, and it’s probably dead on arrival. Well it should be. Hundreds of thousands of policy holders in Louisiana get their health insurance she will cross. I most satisfied. So why the necessary reasoning to sell the company? I know something...
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There are lots of Louisiana parties in the nations capital last week. The annual Washington Mardi Gras ball. All well and good. Besides partying and asking for campaign contributions, how do your congressman actually vote? Do you know? There are lots of important issues that come up before the Congress. Do you know what position...
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There is growing support all over the country for either abolishing or restructuring the federal bureau of investigation. The FBI has become an embarrassment for America, and find the respect with countries all over the world. Here’s the latest article from the Future of Freedom Foundation “Among the worst mistakes America has ever made is...
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Look out, are you Swifties and you Mega supporters.  The election police may be after you. That’s right, the new Supreme Court decision has determined that it’s OK to prohibit people from The election police may be after you. That’s right, the newif you do, you will be kicked out of the building both. Is...
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                                                                                      New Podcast now ready for listening at www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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Who wants to hear more complaints about insurance companies and what policyholders are paying? We would all like to leave this problem behind and see that the cost of our insurance drops considerably. You know what? Under present circumstances, ain’t going to happen’.  The present Insurance regulatory environment is the worst I’ve ever seen. And...
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Here is the first rate well research article on how dangerous the FBI has become in America. You can see some of the information below. You can read the whole article from the Future of Freedom Foundation by Clicking Here. “Among the worst mistakes America has ever made is to bring into existence the Federal...
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Louisiana legislators must be sure glad there’s a big party in Washington DC this weekend, the annual Washington Mardi Gras ball. They can get away from all the controversy they have stirred up back in Baton Rouge.  The new governor called a special session of the legislature to reapportion congressional district. They did so, and...
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To listen to this Podcast, Click Here.
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The football coach LSU fans both loved and hated, has retired from the game. Some say he was the best there ever was. But like him or  loath him, Coach Nick Sabin was one heck of football coach.  He gave LSU and national championship been retired at our rival, Alabama. I write about Coach Nick...
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                    All right, all you guys. No slacking off for the New Year. It’s 2:30 AM here and I’m getting psyched up for my 4 o’clock workout. Anybody want to join me? Have a Happy New Year.  JB      
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So now we have Secretaries of States stripping away former President Donald Trump’s right to run again for president. I did not know that individual states could determine federal elections. And I have some background. I served as Louisiana Secretary of State for eight years.  Will the Supreme Court act to let Trump run? I...
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From our friend John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute.  Many articles, podcasts and videos about the protection of individual rights at www.rutherford.org.    
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Much of what’s going on in the world, as well as the United States, seems to be going to hell in a hand-basket. How are our public officials responding? Right now, just about all of them in Washington on vacation. The president just flew down to the Caribbean to take a week off. Legislators in...
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Well Happy New Year to all of my viewers and listeners. I hope you are looking forward to 2024. I am, because this past year has been somewhat questionable in terms of safety on the international front, common sense in Congress at home, and many problems to address here in Louisiana. Do you make New...
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                                                                        You can listen to a new episode of Dateline Louisiana by going to www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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Hey, are you in the holiday spirit? My favorite time of year, and the same could be said for many. One of my favorite things about Christmas is to watch several wonderful holiday movies. I’m a real movie buff, and there were lots of choices to choose from. So if you have a favorite holiday...
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The FBI again embarrasses itself as one of his former agents confessed to working as a spy for the Russians.  He received a sentence of four years. He should’ve been charged with treason and sentenced for life. Time and time again, in recent years, the FBI has proven to be an embarrassment to our country....
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Book banning? Censoring books that you can read? That happened centuries ago, right? Well, not quite right. There’s a new major effort across the country to ban books that our kids can read, particularly in libraries in schools and public libraries.  Louisiana’s new governor, Jeff Landry, is right in the mix of those who want...
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Louisiana has come close to having a Speaker head up the United States House Representatives.  But the potential candidates have never quite made it. Until now. Take a listen to our new podcast to hear the history of speaker candidates coming so close. You can listen by going to www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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It’s the holiday season, my favorite time of year. But what’s going on with some of our American colleagues who are now questioning every holiday that takes place. It’s going to be Christmas time. That’s right. The celebration of Christ at Christmas.  But that apparently offends certain elements of our society. So does Easter, Presidents’...
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It’s been 60 years since president John F. Kennedy was killed by an assassin in Dallas Texas.  Kennedy began his campaign for president in Louisiana, and always maintained  strong Louisiana ties.  It’s such a tragedy that the dynamic young president was killed right at the height of his career. He could’ve done so much more...
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Hats off to  Lowe’s Building Supply, a national chain that supplies builders and consumers in stores all over the nation. They honor are veterans. So few businesses do. There are several reserved spots right outside. the front door of Lowe’s where veterans only can park.  Veterans also get a 10% discount and all purchases. Lowe’s...
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Isn’t it nice to drive along Louisiana highways and see pile after pile of trash thrown along the side of the road? Let’s face it. Louisiana is a trashy, trashy, trashy state. It’s been like that for years. So what to do? How about another study?  Hogwash!  We have studied trash pick up time after...
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To listen to new podcast, go to www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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Louisiana is under attack. No, not by the terrorists.  Well, yes, to some, they may be terrorists. I’m talking about the assault on the marshes and swampland in the Bayou State by those fuzzy little critters call nutria.  Nutria apparently were released by accident back in the 1930s in the marshes of South Louisiana. They...
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If you’ve never been to the Red Dragon Listening Room in Baton Rouge, you’ve missed quite a treat. I’ve known Louisiana rock ‘n’ roll singer Marcia Ball for over 40 years. She still got the rhythm, and put on a heck of a performance this past Friday evening. Pictured with us is Chris Maxwell, the...
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  Over the last half century, Time and again a Louisiana congressman has tried to be Speaker of the United States, House of Representatives. Second line of being president of the United States. But despite how closely several members came, no one quite reached the pinnacle. That is until now. Out of the blue, came...
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For years, the Bayou State has been a minor blip on the political screen in Washington DC. In the state capital, Republicans and Democrats have fought each other, and virtually nothing got done progressively. Let’s see, is all that about the change? Dramatic power shifts are taking place with a new Louisiana governor, and can...
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Interesting observations from the recent Louisiana gubernatorial election. First of all, voters don’t seem to care. The turnout was abysmal. Democrats in Louisiana seem to have lost their way. The Democratic party’s efforts to recruit candidates and raise campaign funds was a bust. And you’ve got to give the new governor credit. He put together...
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To listen to new podcast, go  to www.DatelineLouisiana.com.
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This week, in my new column, I review how I had a close call in getting out of Israel. My stay there was both informative and quite pleasant. I made a number of new friends, and relished traveling to a number of historic sites. I started to stay longer, but then a premonition shed in....
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A pleasant visit with Israeli soldiers several days before the missiles rained down. They sure have their hands full now.
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Imposing gag orders is now front page news all over America. Why? Because of the continuing outrageous statements by ex-president Donald Trump. He seems to want to attack everyone, and says the system is being unfair to him. Can and should the courts shut him down?  Like it or not, his right to free speech...
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NEW UPDATE Just a note to all my column and website readers. I want to thank so many of you for your concern over my safety during my recent trip to Israel. I found the trip extremely informative and spiritually rewarding. In fact, I planned to stay a few extra days since I was so...
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Louisiana gubernatorial elections are just around the corner, only days away. Who are the candidates most likely to be in the runoff, and just what kind of election system does Louisiana have? I know a little bit about this having served as Secretary of State, the state’s top elections official. OK, it was many years...
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  I am just completing a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in Israel. My stay is at Saint George College, and I am pictured with Rev. Richard Sewell, the Dean. This is a  stop for travelers like me who are exploring my faith. It’s been a rewarding stay, and I will be writing about it extensively in...
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Have you ever felt it was time to perhaps get away from it all, and do a little introspective searching, whatever your priorities might be? As you get along in life, there are choices to be made, and perhaps a review of what all you have or might have done with your life. That’s where...
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When someone is accused of a crime, it’s basic  in a democracy to have a trial or hearing open to the public, just like O. J. Simpson and Watergate back in the 70s. America has a right to witness the trials of anyone as important as an ex president or anyone for that matter.  Should...
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The title hopes of Louisiana’s flagship University, LSU, were dampened in its home opener with a messy lost to Florida State University. I have  followed the highs and lows of LSU football for over 50 years.  What a treat to follow the players who grew up in Louisiana, played high school football, then went on...
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“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”””H.L. Mencken See chilling article about federal government t abuse and overreach by Clicking Here.  
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Have you listened to the words of the number one country song all of the nation right now? It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to, For people like me and people like you.  Country singer Oliver Anthony, a new voice on the music scene, is stirring up lots of controversy in both political...
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To you listen to this new podcast, go to www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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What a terrible headline. To think that Americans are being spied on at the same rate of citizens in China are. This is a very chilling story that should do deeply concern all American citizens.  To read this whole disgusting article, Click Here.
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Anyone who says there is not something different and deeply concerning going on relating to the weather it’s just not being realistic. Maybe it’s climate change or something else, but serious weather related damage is becoming the norm. And unfortunately, the response in the US is not what it should be. We should have  learned...
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              Former President Donald Trump continues to be outlandish in his attacks on his opponents, and his brash style of campaigning for a second term. He viewed by many observers as one of a kind, with a style that is unique. But Is he one of a kind? Is...
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It was just a few weeks ago when country music star, Jason Aldean’s new song, “Try That in a Small Town,” stirred up a great deal of interest, and was quite controversial. Now we have a new challenger for the top spot. Oliver Anthony has a song called “Rich Men north of Richmond” that threw...
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See latest on Louisiana’s insurance problems by Clicking Here.
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Promises, promises. For years, the politicians have assured Louisiana policy holders that their car insurance rates would come down. By 25%, said the insurance years ago. The business group LABI also assured drivers that by  cutting back on legal rights, a huge drop would take place for the cost of auto insurance. How wrong they...
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To listen to this informative podcast, go to www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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I’m a huge fan of André Rieu & his Johann Strauss Orchestra. I sure hope I have a chance to see them in person someday in the near future. Take a look at his Orchestra performing together with the 15-year-old Emma Kok. Emma is quite an inspiration as you will learn from this video. Be...
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Louisiana continues to be at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to educational reform. So what’s the problem? Why are the Bayou State’s kids so far behind?  It’s not too difficult to figure out. We start way, way too late. And our kids have a hard time catching up. What are other states...
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It seems like there is always a political controversy. Last week, I wrote about liberal whining over the meeting at the new song by Jason Aldean, “Try that in a Small Town.”  Now this week, we will take a look at conservative commentators and politicians  going nuts over a movie. That’s right a movie!  Conservative...
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Y You can listen to hundred formative podcast on why it’s so darn hot. Join me and my cohost Rannah Gray to listen to this informative discussion. Do you listen go to www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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My good friend from college days at the University of North Carolina died recently. Jim Rushton wrote 18 books. He was a historian and novelist, and he provided a 96-page “interrogation” memo for David Frost’s TV interviews that prodded Nixon to admit, “I let the American people down” over Watergate.  He was a great athlete...
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How do you’ve been following the controversy about Jason Aldean’s latest top hits, “Try That in a Small Town?”  The song has critics piling on, particularly those who live in big cities. But Aldean’s new song is taking off like a rocket, and it is leading most of the country related charts.  So what’s all...
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  You can listen to our new podcast by going to www.datelinelouisiana.com. This week, we look at our feet issues all of the nation. Martha Stewart in a swimsuit? Give us a break. How to stay  politically correct, and the Donald’s problems keep piling up. So take a listen.  
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  You wonder just how bad the insurance crisis in Louisiana can continue to be.  Despite promises from the insurance department and from the legislature, the cost of insuring a home or other properties continue to rise. And sometimes the increases are tremendous. Citizens Property Insurance Company is raising rates in New Orleans by as...
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Most of us who are a little older have grown up with AM radio.  But it may not be lasting for much longer.  A number of auto companies are not including AM radio in their new vehicles.  And it’s a shame.  Why are they doing this?  Take a look at my new column.  And join...
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One of the big problems with the cost of insurance? The failure of the legislature and the insurance department to take aggressive action.  Take a look at the problem  by Clicking Here.
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Wow, our Louisiana US Senator John Kennedy has sure stirred up a fire storm in Washington. He’s very aggressively expressed outrage that the Mexican government has not done enough to stop the influx of drugs into Louisiana and the United States. His verbal pitchfork hit home, and a strong response came back from both the...
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The F.B.I., which investigates many federal crimes, has also become corrupted by the same political forces says the New York Times. “The F.B.I. has become a political weapon for the ruling elite rather than an impartial, law-enforcement agency,” said Kevin D. Roberts, the president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation. See full story by Clicking Here....
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So when the Governor leaves the country in Louisiana, who is there to run the show? Is it  the Lt.Governor? Some other state official? No one? There seems to be some question, at least in some observers minds.  When in doubt, we should look to the Louisiana constitution. And I know something about this document,...
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Check out new podcast at www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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  “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”“” Friedrich Nietzsche We’re not dealing with a government that exists to serve its people, protect their liberties and ensure their happiness.  Rather, we are the unfortunate victims of the diabolical machinations of a make-works program carried out...
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  I’ve been a Southern country lawyer for most of my life. Darn proud of it. But former President Donald Trump seems to think those of us who chose to practice in a rural area aren’t all that bright. He said some things that have raised some questions in my mind as to how much...
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Louisiana has a long and colorful history with France. If you go back over many years, France has been a real ally of America, but there have been  particularly close ties with the Bayou State.  There is still a lot of French spoken in Louisiana, and you can see the French influence in traveling throughout...
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Louisiana has a long and colorful history with France. If you go back over many years, France has been a real ally of America, but there have been  particularly close ties with the Bayou State.  There is still a lot of French spoken in Louisiana, and you can see the French influence in traveling throughout...
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  You cannot go to Paris, if you are a book lover, and not spend some time at the Shakespeare bookstore on the West Bank by Notre Dame cathedral. It is so famous that people stand in line to get in. I picked up some good ideas for The Lisburn Press and bought way too...
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Newspapers all over America were in a dither a few months ago when a congressman called president Biden a liar right in the middle of the state of the union speech. Apparently, these members of Congress and other officials in Washington have a thin skin. They should never been down to Louisiana and got a...
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Newspapers all over America were in a dither a few months ago when a congressman called president Biden a liar right in the middle of the state of the union speech. Apparently, these members of Congress and other officials in Washington have a thin skin. They should never been down to Louisiana and got a...
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Last time Louisiana adopted a new constitution, it was 50 years ago. A great deal has happened in the state since then. There’s rumblings now but it’s time for a new convention. I was a delegate to C 73, and I agree it’s time for a new constitution to be written. I analyze all my...
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Did the FBI try to rig the election in 2016 for Hillary Clinton? A special counsel who investigated said it did.  This weeks Wall Street Journal had a headline that said “Damning account of the corruption of the FBI.”  We’ve seen story after story about corruption and incompetence within the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Time...
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Louisiana is supposedly flush with cash, and some agencies are spending money, well, like drunken sailors? That’s right. The Bayou State has done a poor job of setting priorities and keeping an eye on how the money is spent. I write about two glaring examples in this weeks column. You can read it now by...
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So many of my friends are getting older. Including me. I just had a birthday, and I reflect back on what makes up the good life. What should be your priorities as you get older? Should one be concerned about  death? Shakespeare says so, but I disagree. I share all these thoughts as I pass...
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  The Louisiana legislature is in session right now, and one of the most controversial proposals is to give all legislators a pay raise from $16,800-$60,000. Quite a jump. Now let me say that I think a pay raise is deserving. But they make a lot more than $16,800 when you total up all the...
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New Podcast up.  Go to www.DateLineLouisiana.com.
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Were you up and about at 5 o’clock am on Saturday? It was really nice of King Charles to have his Coronation on my birthday. I’m having British tea and biscuits.  
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  It’s hard to see how you can besmirch the FBI anymore. Week after week, there seems to be more disclosures about ineptitude, carelessness, or outright criminal activity by FBI agents and former FBI Agents.  In the latest scandal, a former FBI agent has been arrested and accused of urging a mob of Trump supporters...
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Louisiana’s gubernatorial election is less than six months away, with a whole slew of candidates, lining up to try to gain the states top prize. There’s a”jungle primary” in the state where every c candidate  runs at the same time, irrespective of party designation. But are  the runoff spots  already taken by one Democrat and...
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It’s been 50 years since the constitutional convention of 1973, and Louisiana’s current constitution was written. I was fortunate to be in that number. Those of us still living, and there are a few, gathered at the Louisiana governor’s mansion for a luncheon and time to look back. Governor Edwards hosted our gathering, and it...
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Let’s get ready for the naysayers. That’s right! Louisiana elections are just a few months away. And isn’t it true, as some allege, that the elections are fixed? One who knows what they are doing can certainly infiltrate the voting machines, and change the results of the election.  Or can they? In my new column,...
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Louisiana attorney generals common go.  But Richard Ieyoub was a  a special guy. During the 12 years I served as Louisiana’s insurance commissioner, Richard held the office of attorney general. We worked closely together, and I have some fond memories, both when we were in public office, and in later years. He passed away last...
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The legislature is coming into session this week, and here we go again. All this talk about insurance, and nothing substantive happening. All the proposals so far are nothing more than legislators putting their fingers into the insurance dike that’s about to collapse.  I write about some of the questionable ideas put forth so far,...
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In Louisiana, it’s always something.  The Bayou State either stirs  up a hornet’s nest, makes a mess, creates a mess, or actually causes the mess.  Causing the mess is the focus of news all across the country as a Baton Rouge gal, porn star Stormy Daniels, has caused former President Donald Trump to be indicted....
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What on earth is going on in Washington DC? Can you believe that Republican members of Congress are supporting legislation that will give federal control over our local school boards? I’m stunned! What on earth is happening  in our country? And what’s even more shocking is that the lead author on the legislation is from...
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Take a look at the video of former football great Peyton Manning, who decides to check into a retirement home. The Manning family lives in New Orleans and are the the first family of football. I think you’ll get a kick out of the video.
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Here we go again. The second and third largest bank collapses in America took place last week. The banks were negligent in their lending practices, and did not have enough reserves in place. But why worry about it. After all, the federal government is there to bail them out, like they always seem to do....
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It’s been 55 years since one of the great American war tragedies took place. It continues to be a stain on America’s image of being honorable and not being vindictive in the time of war. It was the My Lia massacre, and a tragedy of which America should not be proud. But like so often...
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From the Wall Street Journal. (Letters to the Editor) “I always believed that the Covid virus leaked from a Wuhan lab, but now that the FBI has confirmed it, I have my doubts.”  Ken Matthew-Long Beach , Miss.  
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Jim Brown, former Louisiana Secretary of State, Insurance Commissioner and State Senator makes a return visit to the podcast and for good reason. He always has a lot of stories to tell. Brown joins Errol Laborde, Executive Editor of Louisiana Life, along with podcast producer Kelly Massicot to tell tales from his latest book, “My...
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Recent reports list Louisiana as one of the top gambling spots worldwide. And when it comes to choices of how you gamble, you just cannot find a state or country with  so many options. Yes, there are big casinos in other locations, but no one has the wide variety of various ways to gamble.  You...
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Weekly Cartoon

Order Jesus, Jews, Jihad and Me
by Clicking Here


To Listen, Click Here!

A provocative look at the deepest of the  deep southern states by two veterans of  Louisiana politics. Thoughts that are informative, candid, humorous, and  sometimes controversial about life in  one of the most interesting and rabble-rousing states in the nation.

To hear Jim Brown’s new regular podcast, Click Here.