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This site is part of Brown Publications and The Lisburn Press
You are visiting my site on: October 15, 2024

Insurance rates continue to go up and policyholders continue to complain. And rightly so.  It used to be a problem along the Gulf Coast. But not anymore. The whole country is complaining about high insurance rates. Why is this? I’ll take a look at this sore subject in my new column. You could read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

LSU, located in my hometown of Baton Rouge, what a big victory Saturday night over the Ole Miss rebels. Ole Miss was favored, but blew some great opportunities to score. LSU snuck up on them at the end and won the the game. Good for them. But look at what took place by fans who were tailgating outside Tiger Stadium.  What a huge mess.  And although they were lots of trash cans around, it was just too much trouble for these fans to throw the trash away. About how to track should already been picked up about half the trash has already been picked up. Shame on those who just throw out the trash on the ground.  Just one reason as to why Louisiana is one of the filthiest states in the nation. And one reason why many outsiders just don’t want to move down here. So unfortunate.

We know a lot about flooding down here in Louisiana. The storms come regularly. But in my second home up in the North Carolina mountains, they rarely have weather problems. May be too much snow in the winter. But it all changed this summer. The ground was wet to begin with. Then it rained, and rained, and rained. I ride all about my personal experience with the storm, and how to affected both North Carolina and Louisiana.  Then it rained, and rained, and rained. I write all about my personal experience with the storm, and how to affected both North Carolina and Louisiana. You can read the column now by going to the Red Flashing Box above, or by Clicking Here.

My longtime friend Jim Engster received the 2024 Founders Award given annually by public radio in Baton Rouge. Jim has been on the air doing a public affairs show as long as I can remember. He is one of the most knowledgeable person people about Louisiana politics in the state.  A well-deserved honor for Jim.

Pete Rose, certainly one of the greatest baseball players that ever played the game for the Cincinnati Reds, died on Monday. He tried for years to clear his name from gambling on baseball games, but never could. This kept him out of the baseball Hall of Fame. I visited with Pete at length on several occasions. Once in Biloxi at the Beau Rivage, and another time in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace. He was a rough edged athlete, but one heck of a baseball player.

Did you know that Louisiana Governor Edward Edwards seriously considered running for president?  Yep, I have personal knowledge of his thoughts on why he considered such a raise, and what changed his mind not to run. I take you back to 1978, and it’s a fascinating story. You can read all about it in my new column that is now posted. To read it, click on the Red Flashing Box above or Click Here.

Goodness gracious! What the heck is going on in this country? Former President Donald Trump says illegals are eating our dogs and cats. What? My dog and cat are under attack? What else can they be eating? Donald Duck? Mickey Mouse? Bambi? Mr. Ed? The list goes on and on. I write about this massive controversy (yeah right!) In my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above, or by Clicking Here.


September 26th-St. LaRose political group-Noon

October 2nd-Denham Springs Book Club-noon

October 3rd-Baton Rouge Lions Club-noon

The election for president is close at hand, and there continues to be numerous allegations of past and future voter fraud. Is there any truth to such charges? I know something about the elections process, as I was Louisiana’s chief elections officer for eight years. So I give you my evaluation as to what truth there is in such allegations on both the national and international level. It’s all laid out in my new column that you can read now. To see it, go to the Red Flashing Box above or Click Here.

Several major state comparisons were released this past week ranking states across the nation from best to worst. Do you want to guess where Louisiana ended up? Dead last on both of the lists. How can that be you say. Best food and best music in the nation, and a host of appealing sites to see in the event to take on. But in comparison after  comparison, the state comes across as, well,  let’s just say it, LOUSY! I write about all the problems in my new column. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Thursday-September 12th-noon-CCL Book Club-at Country club of Louisiana in Baton Rouge.

Monday – September 16th-7:00 PM – Jubilee Pioneers-Serop’s restaurant in Baton Rouge on Corporate Boulevard

Now wait a minute. Why on earth am I wishing everyone a Happy New Year. That’s all, fall is just arriving. Well, let me tell you something. For me, the fall brings on a whole new year.  I’ll bet you’ll agree with me once you read my new column. I give a number of reasons why the new year should begin now. Go ahead and take a gander. You can read my new column by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Listen to our new podcast at ww.datelinelouisiana.com.

We apparently have a bunch of “weird” politicians running for national office this fall. Both Democrats and Republicans are painting the other party with the name tag “weird.” Where did all this start? Who is the weirdest of them all? I write about our “weird” politicians, both nationally and in Louisiana, in my new column now posted. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

The “Jesus, Jews, Jihad and Me” Book  tour is taking place all over Louisiana. Jim has been on a host of Louisiana radio stations, talking about the book, and Billboard in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans area. Take a look at the typical billboard that you’ll see driving across the state.  You could also find Jim’s books for sale at a number of retail establishments, particularly in Baton Rouge.  Just a few of the locations available to buy his book or Phil’s Oyster Bar, Calvin’s supermarket, Strop’s Lebanese Restaurant on Corporate Blvd., Bergeron’s City Market on Jefferson Highway, and Cavalier Book Store in Denham Springs.  You can order from Cavalier bookstore over the Internet by  Clicking Here.

Well, there’s some good news coming out of Washington DC. It looks like the Supreme Court, at least one member, is waking up to the fact that we’ve got way too many federal and state laws on the books. Supreme Court Justice Justice Neil Gorsuch has has come to this conclusion in his new book entitled“Over Ruled.”  This is not just in Washington. There are way too many laws coming out of the state capital in Louisiana. I write all about this in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.



 My Jerusalem Journey

(And Then the Missiles Came!)

ISBN 979-8-218-35707-8

Jim Brown’s NEW Book

Jim Brown had this premonition.  As he turned 84 years old, he felt it was time to explore his faith and spirituality. He certainly has lived a full life. In fact, one of Louisiana’s newspapers editorialized that “Jim Brown ain’t led no humdrum life.”

From 28 years as a Louisiana elected official, a soul practitioner lawyer in one of Louisiana’s smallest towns representing the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis and Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, a world class athlete on the US Track team, a director in one of Texas’ largest law firms, and the author of 1000 syndicated newspaper columns and seven books. He seemed to have done it all.

But something was missing.  He remembered the song by the Beatles’ George Harrison. “I really want to know you, but it takes so long, my Lord.”  So how to begin a search for the Holy Spirit? Jim began by traveling to the Holy Land.  His story tells how he went to Jerusalem to follow the path of Jesus Christ, and then he ends up by escaping incoming Hamas missiles by the skin of his teeth. Along the way, Jim researches and reimagines both Jewish and Christian history that should prove to be fascinating to both believers and skeptic select.

The author helps us understand the history of antisemitism that seems to be growing around the world today.  All in all, there are crisps insights, amusing, antidotes, and poignant stories that are both elegant and persuasive. This book is quite anaccomplishment by a longtime author, but a first time Christian writer. A read well worth undertaking.

This is Jim Brown’s seventh book.  *All his books are available at www.TheLisburnPress.com. Full information about the author can be found on his media website at JimBrownla.com.  He is the father of four children, seven grandchildren, and lives in Baton Rouge with his wife Gladys.

For additional  information, , contact Jim  at jb@jimbrownla.com, or (225) 229-5549.

Also available at Cavalier Books by CLICKING  HERE.

We are getting close to the national election and so what can we expect? Distorted charges out right lies? This always seems to happen you’re in national  elections. This time around, both candidates for  vice president are being swift boated. I had the same thing happen to me. If you’re not sure what it is, check out my new column now posted. You can find it by clicking on the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Or check out at www.datelinelouisiana.com.

Well, it’s about college football time.  Are you fired up and ready? I sure have been in the past. After all, our state school in Louisiana has won several national championships just in the past few years. But it’s completely different now. A bunch of hired guns has moved in from who knows where to play for the football team.  And I don’t like it. Take a look at my new column and see why. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

So we now have the two major party candidates that are ready to debate and talk about issues affecting the future of this country – right? So, so wrong. All Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are doing is attacking each other. And it looks like this is going to be the, focus of the campaign right up to election day. I write about this sad state of affairs in my new column. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

A huge controversy is taking place in Paris at the Olympic Games. At the opening ceremony, there was a profile put together of the last supper that many people, including myself, think made a mockery of this depiction. The latest illustration can be found in the absurd and offensive opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics, which involved a parody of the Last Supper, with transsexuals, drag queens, exposed testicles and a fat, blue-painted, semi-clad man apparently intended to represent Dionysus, the Greek god of wine.  See this offensive  picture from of Paris below.  Also below, you’ll see another picture by a Jewish photographer, showing Israeli female soldiers in a pose of the last supper. Again, I think this is in poor taste.



Well, it was quite a week for the Republicans at their convention in Milwaukee. No real decisions to make as Donald Trump was the obvious nominee. But it was arousing gathering. Next to the Democrats. Will they stay united? Will the President run for reelection? Will some bright candidate emerge that can beat Trump? So many unanswered questions.  I look at them all in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Affordable insurance, and not finding any, continues to be a major problem here in the Bayou state. A Louisiana legislative committee met last week to see what new laws could be passed to help the critical situation. Hey legislators! We don’t need any new laws. What we need is aggressive enforcement of the laws on the books right now. I talk about all this in my new column that is ready for you to read. You can do so by clicking on the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Everyone seems to be talking about the Supreme Court giving former President Donald Trump all kinds of immunity. But is he really immune from any private act he undertakes? I have some personal experience with private versus public actions, and you would be surprised to know that I’ve been sued on many occasions as a public official. Check out my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

My friend Kinky Friedman, one of the real Texas musical outlaws, died a few weeks ago. I called him my friend. I heard him perform on any number on occasions, and he’d like to talk about Louisiana politics. If you haven’t followed Kinky, he and his band, the Texas Jewboys, won acclaim for their satirical takes on American culture. He later wrote detective novels and ran for governor of Texas. He was the Will Rogers of Outlaw Country Music. I sure will miss his humor.


Our country is close to having a new national election, and the issue of voter fraud continues to permeate the discussion. Almost half of all Americans think there will be  voter fraud involved. So is there? And what can we do about it? I have a few suggestions. Take a look at my new column and see what you think. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Louisiana is back in the news, as it generally is across the country with something that happens down here, by requiring the posting of the Ten. Commandments in all public schools throughout the state. Good idea or bad? Lots of opinions about this. Are such requirement a violation of the constitutional requirement of separation of church and state? I write about this in my new column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Take a listen   at the ups and downs, behind and lows, the good and bad at the recent Louisiana Leslie session. It’s all available on this week’s podcast. Go to www.datelinelouisiana.com.

Several recent polls show the United States Supreme Court has dipped to its lowest level of approval.  Only 41% of American motors think the Supreme Court is doing an adequate job. Americans are just losing confidence in the Supreme Court and all their antics. They don’t work very much, and there are any number of conflicts of interest. It’s a shame the nation’s highest court has dipped so low in public support. I write about this disgrace in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Well, we’re full blast into  the election season, and the national conventions for both the Republicans and the Democrats are close at hand. I’ve been to a few in the past. Seven to be exact. And I’ve got some interesting stories about the Louisiana connections between both Republicans and Democrats. You could read all about them in my new column now posted. Go to the Red Flashing Box above or Click Here.

Were you stunned by the conviction of formal President Donald Trump? I wasn’t. If you read over the charges, and  Trump’s responses, it was obvious from the get-go that Trump was going to be convicted. A combination of factors were involved. And uneven playing field, and quite frankly, a poor defense bvy Trump’s legal team. I analyze just what happened in my new column now posted. You can read it by clicking on the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here


It’s Memorial Day weekend, and most Americans are enjoying a Long holiday weekend. Nothing wrong with that. But what about remembering just why we even have a Memorial Day? No, it’s not to remember our veterans. It’s to pause and look back over the many lives that have been lost so that our families can enjoy a special holiday weekend. Remembering those who have been killed in military duty. I write about this extremely important subject in this week’s column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

What a pleasure it was to travel to Alexandria, Louisiana this past Thursday to make a presentation before the CenLa Writers Book Group. Many in attendance were first time writers working on their first publication. Enjoyed talking about my writing experience of seven books as well as many questions of how one gets a book published. I’m amazed at the number of potential writers who come from Louisiana.

Well, it’s graduation time for students at all levels. Kindergarten right up through doctorate degrees.  Do you remember any advice that was given to you by commencement speaker at your graduation? Few of us do. I take a stab at it and give my advice to students graduating this time of year.  Yes, I have given several commencement addresses in my day. To read my new column about advice to our young people, my new column is now available. Go to the Red Flashing Box above or Clicking Here.

Well, it’s that time again. Under federal law, legislature all over the nation have to reapportion congressional districts. And boy what a mess there is in Louisiana. It’s the heck with the voters.  The only priority seems to be protecting those in office. What a mess. I write about this “insider trading” in my new column is now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Another year, another birthday. Right? I’ve had a number of them, but it’s hard to believe that I’ve reached the hallmark of being 84. That really sounds like an old guy. I guess I should not be that concerned as long as my health holds up.  What’s the Toby Keith song? Don’t let the old Man in. That’s what I’m trying to do, and I write about it in this week’s column. Take a look and see if you relate. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

It’s my birthday this week. Hitting  the 84 year mark. So what do I do to celebrate? Simple. Gather a few family members and friends for a crawfish boil. How can you beat that!

It’s open season as the Louisiana Legislature tries to jam through a new constitution in a matter of days. How irresponsible. Take a listen to our new podcast to see what you think. You could get it by going to ww.datelinelouisiana.com.

The public’s right to know is under attack in Louisiana. The old saying certainly makes sense today. “Beware and keep your guard up when the legislature in session in the Bayou state is in session.”   There is a major effort to limit the public right to know, and keep public records and deliberations under seal. Louisiana used to be the pillar of open government. Not anymore. Take a look at my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

The trial of former President Donald Trump is underway with the jury having been selected.  So now it’s up to the judge to see that the rules are followed, and that Trump gets a fair shake, right? Will not quite. Whether you like Donald Trump or not, any neutral observer would determine the Trump has the decisions of the judge stacked against him. I take a look at all the reasons that stand in the way of the former president getting a fair shake. You can read my new column now by clicking on the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

One of the most colorful and controversial characters in American history passed away this week.  Some called him the Juice, others called him  O.J., and even others called him a killer. His trial for murdering his wife captivated America like no other. So many highs and lows. One of the greatest football players ever to play the game, a world class track and field athlete, and then the trial. I write all about O.J. in this week’s column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

State constitutions are important. They sit out the framework that affects every citizen in the state. Louisiana has needed a new state constitution for years. I know. I helped write the last constitution. I write about what’s going on in the Louisiana legislature in my new column. The Governor is pushing for a new constitution, but doing so in haste. Read my concerns in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Let me tell you this. Throughout most of my life, I’d loved riding motorcycles. But there was a caveat. I always wore a helmet. Now in Louisiana, the legislature is coming close to doing away with the mandatory requirement that motorcycle riders wear a helmet.  Is this really a freedom of choice issue? I write about it in my new column. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.



Madness taking place all this month and April. It means big money for the college oversight group, the NCAA, as well as many individual basketball players. There are pros and cons to how the present system works. Some things I don’t like. I take a look at March madness in my new column now posted, you can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Is there anything that could be done about the outrageous insurance rates that Louisiana drivers and homeowners are paying? The little Southern state leads the entire nation in the high cost of basic insurance. A new legislature has a governor committed to helping the new insurance commissioner with the problem. But can any official really  do anything? I take a look at this issue in my new column that is now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

To listen to Jim’s new podcast, go to www.datelinelouisiana.com.


The Louisiana legislature met recently to find ways to crack down on crime. And yes, there are so many solutions that are being implemented all over America. So what did our Bayou State guys and gals do? They just stuck it to the old guys. Violent crime is taking place all over Louisiana by young thugs; 13 and 14-year-olds carjack, commit our robberies, and even murder. And it’s just not boys. It is often girls joining their gang.  So what should the the legislature have done? I write about it in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above, or by Clicking Here.

It’s Super Tuesday week with presidential primaries taking place all over the nation. So where is Louisiana in the mix? Irrelevant! Louisiana does not get into the race for president until March 23, several weeks away. By that time, decisions on other candidates have been made all over the nation. Why are we last? Why can’t we be first? We can, and I explain how in my new column. You can take a look at it now by Clicking Here or going to the Red Flashing Box above.

What’s all this talk about being too old to run for public office? OK, OK. Biden and Trump are both pretty old guys. Kind of like me. So are all of us over the hill and not fit to serve in making policy and running the state or the country? Good question! I take a look at this issue in my new column now posted. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

A blockbuster sale of Louisiana’s largest insurance company has been put on the back burner, and it’s probably dead on arrival. Well it should be. Hundreds of thousands of policy holders in Louisiana get their health insurance she will cross. I most satisfied. So why the necessary reasoning to sell the company? I know something about this whole operation, haven’t been insurance commissioner and having taken over Blue Cross some years back. That’s the focus of my new column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.



There are lots of Louisiana parties in the nations capital last week. The annual Washington Mardi Gras ball. All well and good. Besides partying and asking for campaign contributions, how do your congressman actually vote? Do you know? There are lots of important issues that come up before the Congress. Do you know what position your representatives have taken on, so many national and international issues? I talk about all this in my new column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by ClickingHere.

There is growing support all over the country for either abolishing or restructuring the federal bureau of investigation. The FBI has become an embarrassment for America, and find the respect with countries all over the world. Here’s the latest article from the Future of Freedom Foundation

“Among the worst mistakes America has ever made is to bring into existence the Federal Bureau of Investigation — the FBI.  A national police force is an essential part of any tyrannical regime. Just look at any tyrannical foreign regime, either right wing and left wing, over the past 100 years. I will guarantee you that you will find a national police force. It serves as a useful adjunct to a big military-intelligence establishment to keep people in line.”  To read the whole article of what this national voice has to say, Click Here.


Look out, are you Swifties and you Mega supporters.  The election police may be after you. That’s right, the new Supreme Court decision has determined that it’s OK to prohibit people from The election police may be after you. That’s right, the newif you do, you will be kicked out of the building both. Is this a violation of free speech? Take a look at my new column. I posted to see what you think. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here

                                                                                      New Podcast now ready for listening at www.datelinelouisiana.com.

Who wants to hear more complaints about insurance companies and what policyholders are paying? We would all like to leave this problem behind and see that the cost of our insurance drops considerably. You know what? Under present circumstances, ain’t going to happen’.  The present Insurance regulatory environment is the worst I’ve ever seen. And I know something about this. I was insurance commissioner in the 1990s when regulation was a disaster. So the new insurance commissioner has a Big Job ahead to straighten up this mess. If you want to read my thoughts about it, check out my new column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Here is the first rate well research article on how dangerous the FBI has become in America. You can see some of the information below. You can read the whole article from the Future of Freedom Foundation by Clicking Here.

“Among the worst mistakes America has ever made is to bring into existence the Federal Bureau of Investigation — the FBI.  A national police force is an essential part of any tyrannical regime. Just look at any tyrannical foreign regime, either right wing and left wing, over the past 100 years. I will guarantee you that you will find a national police force. It serves as a useful adjunct to a big military-intelligence establishment to keep people in line.”

Louisiana legislators must be sure glad there’s a big party in Washington DC this weekend, the annual Washington Mardi Gras ball. They can get away from all the controversy they have stirred up back in Baton Rouge.  The new governor called a special session of the legislature to reapportion congressional district. They did so, and wow what a mess they’ve made. Louisiana voters are the losers. You can read all about my thoughts in this weeks column. It’s available by clicking on the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here

The football coach LSU fans both loved and hated, has retired from the game. Some say he was the best there ever was. But like him or  loath him, Coach Nick Sabin was one heck of football coach.  He gave LSU and national championship been retired at our rival, Alabama. I write about Coach Nick in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.














All right, all you guys. No slacking off for the New Year. It’s 2:30 AM here and I’m getting psyched up for my 4 o’clock workout. Anybody want to join me? Have a Happy New Year.  JB




So now we have Secretaries of States stripping away former President Donald Trump’s right to run again for president. I did not know that individual states could determine federal elections. And I have some background. I served as Louisiana Secretary of State for eight years.  Will the Supreme Court act to let Trump run? I analyze this issue in my new column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

From our friend John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute.  Many articles, podcasts and videos about the protection of individual rights at www.rutherford.org.



Much of what’s going on in the world, as well as the United States, seems to be going to hell in a hand-basket. How are our public officials responding? Right now, just about all of them in Washington on vacation. The president just flew down to the Caribbean to take a week off. Legislators in Washington are being labeled as a “Do Nothings.”  And the Supreme Court is looking forward to a four month summer vacation. What could be wrong with that? I take a look at all of these misgivings in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Well Happy New Year to all of my viewers and listeners. I hope you are looking forward to 2024. I am, because this past year has been somewhat questionable in terms of safety on the international front, common sense in Congress at home, and many problems to address here in Louisiana. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I certainly do. And I list my resolutions in my new column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here. And Happy New Year to you.

                                                                        You can listen to a new episode of Dateline Louisiana by going to www.datelinelouisiana.com.

Hey, are you in the holiday spirit? My favorite time of year, and the same could be said for many. One of my favorite things about Christmas is to watch several wonderful holiday movies. I’m a real movie buff, and there were lots of choices to choose from. So if you have a favorite holiday movie, you w may want to look over my new column.  You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here. Merry Christmas.

The FBI again embarrasses itself as one of his former agents confessed to working as a spy for the Russians.  He received a sentence of four years. He should’ve been charged with treason and sentenced for life. Time and time again, in recent years, the FBI has proven to be an embarrassment to our country. A number of members of Congress has suggested we got abolish the whole organization and start again from scratch. To read the whole sorted story of this low life former agent, Click Here.

Book banning? Censoring books that you can read? That happened centuries ago, right? Well, not quite right. There’s a new major effort across the country to ban books that our kids can read, particularly in libraries in schools and public libraries.  Louisiana’s new governor, Jeff Landry, is right in the mix of those who want to put limits on books that can be read. You would be surprised if some of the books have been banned. To read all about it, take a look at my new column just posted.  You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Louisiana has come close to having a Speaker head up the United States House Representatives.  But the potential candidates have never quite made it. Until now. Take a listen to our new podcast to hear the history of speaker candidates coming so close. You can listen by going to www.datelinelouisiana.com.

It’s the holiday season, my favorite time of year. But what’s going on with some of our American colleagues who are now questioning every holiday that takes place. It’s going to be Christmas time. That’s right. The celebration of Christ at Christmas.  But that apparently offends certain elements of our society. So does Easter, Presidents’ Day, Thanksgiving, and a host of other holidays. The heck was remembering our heritage and our history. It’s all about being politically correct. I write about this unfortunate attitude in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

It’s been 60 years since president John F. Kennedy was killed by an assassin in Dallas Texas.  Kennedy began his campaign for president in Louisiana, and always maintained  strong Louisiana ties.  It’s such a tragedy that the dynamic young president was killed right at the height of his career. He could’ve done so much more for the country, and also for Louisiana. I write about his Louisiana connection in this weeks column. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Hats off to  Lowe’s Building Supply, a national chain that supplies builders and consumers in stores all over the nation. They honor are veterans. So few businesses do. There are several reserved spots right outside. the front door of Lowe’s where veterans only can park.  Veterans also get a 10% discount and all purchases. Lowe’s is the only building supply warehouse where I will shop. They support veterans like me, and I support them. To heck with those other stores who don’t give a damn about veterans who serve their country.

Isn’t it nice to drive along Louisiana highways and see pile after pile of trash thrown along the side of the road? Let’s face it. Louisiana is a trashy, trashy, trashy state. It’s been like that for years. So what to do? How about another study?  Hogwash!  We have studied trash pick up time after time with no results. It’s time to get tough. Really tough. Check out my new column now posted to see what I think. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

To listen to new podcast, go to www.datelinelouisiana.com.

Louisiana is under attack. No, not by the terrorists.  Well, yes, to some, they may be terrorists. I’m talking about the assault on the marshes and swampland in the Bayou State by those fuzzy little critters call nutria.  Nutria apparently were released by accident back in the 1930s in the marshes of South Louisiana. They have spread like wildfire. There’s a bounty on their head in Louisiana. So what do we do? I have a novel solution. How’s your appetite? Take a look at my new column now posted and see what you think. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

If you’ve never been to the Red Dragon Listening Room in Baton Rouge, you’ve missed quite a treat. I’ve known Louisiana rock ‘n’ roll singer Marcia Ball for over 40 years. She still got the rhythm, and put on a heck of a performance this past Friday evening. Pictured with us is Chris Maxwell, the amazing owner of the Red Dragon, who always organizes quite a great show.


Over the last half century, Time and again a Louisiana congressman has tried to be Speaker of the United States, House of Representatives. Second line of being president of the United States. But despite how closely several members came, no one quite reached the pinnacle. That is until now. Out of the blue, came a little known congressman from Shreveport.  Congressman, Mike Johnson surprised everyone and was elected. And that’s not all. The second spot is being held by Jefferson Parish Congressman Steve Scalise. So little ole’ Louisiana has the two top spots in the House. What are the odds? Read my comments and history in my new column now up. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

For years, the Bayou State has been a minor blip on the political screen in Washington DC. In the state capital, Republicans and Democrats have fought each other, and virtually nothing got done progressively. Let’s see, is all that about the change? Dramatic power shifts are taking place with a new Louisiana governor, and can you believe, a more powerful congressional delegation the most of the other states in the country. Take a look and see my thoughts on thes revolution in Louisiana. You can read it now by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

Interesting observations from the recent Louisiana gubernatorial election. First of all, voters don’t seem to care. The turnout was abysmal. Democrats in Louisiana seem to have lost their way. The Democratic party’s efforts to recruit candidates and raise campaign funds was a bust. And you’ve got to give the new governor credit. He put together a heckuva campaign. Check it all out in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

To listen to new podcast, go  to www.DatelineLouisiana.com.

This week, in my new column, I review how I had a close call in getting out of Israel. My stay there was both informative and quite pleasant. I made a number of new friends, and relished traveling to a number of historic sites. I started to stay longer, but then a premonition shed in. I said it all out in my new column. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking here.

A pleasant visit with Israeli soldiers several days before the missiles rained down. They sure have their hands full now.

Imposing gag orders is now front page news all over America. Why? Because of the continuing outrageous statements by ex-president Donald Trump. He seems to want to attack everyone, and says the system is being unfair to him. Can and should the courts shut him down?  Like it or not, his right to free speech is guaranteed in our U.S. Constitution. I give my opinion as to  why Trump should not be gagged by any court in my new column now posted. You can read it by going to the Red Flashing Box above, or by Clicking Here.


Just a note to all my column and website readers. I want to thank so many of you for your concern over my safety during my recent trip to Israel. I found the trip extremely informative and spiritually rewarding. In fact, I planned to stay a few extra days since I was so far away in that part of the world. But I had a premonition. Something told me I needed to go on home.  I guess the good Lord was looking out for me.

This is going to be a long and messy war, with the United States and other countries brought in to it.  By the way, my son-in-law Dan Senor, who was a foreign policy advisor to both President Bush and presidential candidate Mitt Romney, is being sought out by numerous media outlets for interviews. Coincidentally, he just published a new book called the Genius of Israel.

 For you New Orleans readers, I will be interviewed about my trip tomorrow morning, Tuesday October 10th, at 8:30 am on WGSO 990-AM and at 10:30 am on WWL radio.


My thanks to so many of you, read my columns for your emails, your thoughts and prayers, while I was in Israel last week. I left the Holy Land this past Wednesday, October 3ed.  The next night, missiles were launched close to where I was staying.  Here’s what happened. Hamas and Islamic Jihad surprised Israel on Shabbat and the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah with a barrage of 2,000 missiles. From within the cover of the missile attack, Hamas terrorists invaded Israel proper – entering more than 20 communities where they killed 100s of people as well as kidnaping more than 100 civilians – bringing them back to Gaza. There are vast differences between the Palestinian organization Hamas  and Israelites. But certainly, no justification for war. Maybe God was sending me a signal to get on out of Israel. Thanks again for your concerns.

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Weekly Cartoon

Order Jesus, Jews, Jihad and Me
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A provocative look at the deepest of the  deep southern states by two veterans of  Louisiana politics. Thoughts that are informative, candid, humorous, and  sometimes controversial about life in  one of the most interesting and rabble-rousing states in the nation.

To hear Jim Brown’s new regular podcast, Click Here.