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You are visiting my site on: December 28, 2024

Weekend Radio Show Update!

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Hey, fall weekends mean football, cooler wither, leafs everywhere, and, of course, the “Common Sense“ radio show on Sunday Mornings.  Looking at the past week, the Presidential race looks crazier, the economy continues to zig zag, and the world around us seems to be more and more unsettling.   We will take a look at the aftermath of Libya.  Are the interests of the U.S. more stable?  Or have we helped open a new can of worms.  Foreign Policy expert on the Middle East Kathleen Busch will join me in discussing just how American handles Libya and surrounding countries now that Qaddafi has been assassinated. See the Qaddafi final minutes below.  Kathleen Busch has written a compelling book on Leadership, and full information is available by Clicking Here.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/NVIkck02qao" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

And I don’t know about you, but I love the theater, and one of the top Broadway producers is Mitchell Maxwell.  He produced “Damn Yankees,”Â  “Torch Song Trilogy” and a number of other well know Broadway plays.  His new book, all about the theater, is called “Little Did I Know,” a rollicking story of theater life.  You can read up on his book by Clicking here.

The World Series, my recent travels and much more all this weekend on Jim Brown’s “Common Sense” on stations all across the country, and right here on this site by Clicking on the Blue flashing box above.  See you on the radio.

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