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You are visiting my site on: January 20, 2025

Sarah Palin in the Oval Office

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Would you like to get an idea of how Sarah Palin would operate if she would end up as President?  Well click on the link below, and take a look.  Be sure and click on different parts of the office to see her various reactions.  I hope you will find the experience amusing.  To watch Sarah operate as President,  Click Here.

2 Responses
  1. Hardy Parkerson

    McCain made a wise choice in the person of
    Sarah Palin. At first I advised him to take
    Governor Jindal as his running mate, because
    Jindal is a Catholic. I did not even know about
    Palin. Once she was appointed, I learned that
    she is also a Catholic, according to Vatican II.
    She’s got my vote and the votes of millions of
    other Catholics, Protestant and Roman.


    Hardy Parkerson
    Lake Charles, LA

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