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You are visiting my site on: February 19, 2025


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La. Gov. Bobby Jindal will spend this weekend in Arizona with Republican presidential nominee John McCain. This certainly will increase speculation over the possibility of gentle join McCain on the GOP ticket this fall. With Jindal will be Florida Governor Charlie Crist whose name is also been batted around a good bit as a potential vice presidential candidate. I was in New York over the weekend and Senator McCain was staying in my hotel, the Hilton. The general talk of Jindal as a possible running mate was strong, and it looks like our Louisiana Governor is in the final cut. Interesting to note that the Washington Times this past weekend endorsed Jindal for Vice Prez.  See story here.To read an analysis of Jindal’s chances and why McCain has a strong interest, Click here.
Also, here’s a shot of the Gov and I trying on our tuxes just in case he wins and we will need these for the Inaugural Ball…..yeah right!jindal.jpg

1 Response
  1. Hardy Parkerson

    Mc Cain and the Republicans can win in November only if
    our own Governor Bobby Jindal is on the Republican
    Ticket as the Vice Presidental Candidate with McCain.
    I know it; Jindal knows it; but McCain does not necessarily
    know it. So if you would like to see the Republicans, and
    McCain, win in November, then contact McCain and his
    people and let them know what we know down here in
    Louisiana. We have our reasons, and they are good ones;
    but Jindal’s appeal has little to do with his being from Louisiana…
    perhaps a bit that he is a Southerner. The truth is that
    Jindal is a person of color, a Catholic Christian, is as clean
    a public official as ever has been; and, further, he has an
    indescriptable magic about him that makes everybody like
    him, even Democrats, of which I am one. So please GOOGLE
    for McCain’s Senate and Campaign Office and contact McCain
    and urge him to take our Louisiana Favorite Son for his
    V.P. running mate. With Jindal he wins; without him, he
    loses. That’s just the way it is. Even a large percentage
    of Republicans don’t like McCain; but with Jindal on the
    Republican Ticket, they will go ahead and pull the
    Republican lever–that is if there are still any levers on
    voting machines.


    Hardy Parkerson, Chm.
    Ronald Reagan Democratic Caucus of Louisiana

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