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Bobby Jindal
Thursday, February 18th, 2016 Baton Rouge, Louisiana NEW LOUISIANA GOVERNOR FACING REALITY! New Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has jumped head first into the abyss of state government’s seemingly endless financial problems, and his popularity is already taking hits. A recent Southern Media and Opinion Research poll has his popularity rating at a low 42%....
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Thursday, October1st, 2015 Baton Rouge, Louisiana TIME FOR BOBBY JINDAL TO COME BACK HOME!  Former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Don Meredith spent 20 years in the broadcast booth with Howard Cosell on Monday night football. When the game became out of reach in the waning minutes for the team behind, Meredith was famous for singing: “Turn...
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Thursday, July 9th, 2015 Baton Rouge, Louisiana MISS USA TRUMPED BY IMMIGRANT DEBATE!  Donald Trump sure has things stirred up right now down here in the Bayou State. International television attention was supposed to highlight Baton Rouge and the whole state of Louisiana. But coverage of the Miss USA pageant has turned more on “The...
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Thursday, March 12th, l2015 Baton Rouge, Louisiana  E-MAIL SCANDALS-CLINTON AND JINDAL? It’s going to take a lot more than old emails to derail Hillary Clinton’s grasp of the Democratic presidential nomination next year. Few voters really care how she communicated with her staff while serving as Secretary of State. Republicans think they are circling the...
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Thursday, February 19th, 2015 Baton Rouge, Louisiana DON’T TELL ME TO EITHER SPEAK ENGLISH OR LEAVE AMERICA! My Louisiana governor has me puzzled again in his quixotic quest to be a player on the national stage. I thought Bobby Jindal was part of a Republican Party that tells government to get off our backs and...
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Thursday, January 22nd, l2014 Baton Rouge, Louisiana  FOR BOBBY JINDAL- FIRST THE MUSLIMS, THEN THE WORLD!  Louisiana’s feisty absentee Governor Bobby Jindal sure knows how some things that are not politically correct, so brace yourselves.” So naturally, I held onto my desk, took a deep breath, assumed the worst, and braced myself.  The Republican presidential...
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Thursday, April 24th, 2014 Baton Rouge, Louisiana  TO BOBBY JINDAL —-JUST DO IT! Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal made a splash of headlines a few weeks ago by proposing his alternative to Obamacare.  Many of his ideas are the part of the same list he’s been shopping around for years, some of it pieced together from...
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Thursday, January 30th, 2013 Baton Rouge, Louisiana JINDAL AND INDIA A MISSED OPPORTUNITY FOR LOUISIANA! Louisiana’s two-term governor and aspiring presidential candidate, Bobby Jindal, just returned from a 10-day junket to the Far East. Stops were made in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan for the expressed purpose of seeking out foreign investment in the Bayou...
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Thursday, November 14th, 2013 Baton Rouge, Louisiana COMPARING CHRIS CHRISTIE AND BOBBY JINDAL! During the past month, a number of publications have profiled potential Republican candidates who could be major contenders for the 2016 presidential nomination.  After his lopsided re-election victory last week, New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie is leading all the major polls. ...
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Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 Baton Rouge, Louisiana  WILL JINDAL AND LANDRIEU FACE-OFF IN SENATE RACE? Two seasoned political pros, who have lost a bit of their luster, may make the same big grab for political limelight in Washington. And what would be a surprise to many, they just might be racing against each other.  Incumbent...
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What happened to Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal his efforts to obtain the Republican vice presidential nomination? He started out with great momentum, but when all is said and done, never really was in the running.  Did his actions, or inactions, cause a problem for eventual presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and why didn’t Romney give the...
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Thursday, August 16th, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana JINDAL NEVER REALLY IN THE RUNNING FOR VICE PRESIDENT! A year ago he was an intriguing possible choice. Key Romney operatives were putting Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal on their “watch list.”Â The young Bayou State’s chief executive had conservative stalwarts like Rush Limbaugh and Bill Krystol praising his strong credentials...
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Thursday, August 9, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana SHOULD LOUISIANA SECEDE FROM THE UNION? Sarah Palin seems to be back in vogue, and she’s barnstorming the country supporting, with a good measure of success, a number of Tea Party candidates. Her latest success is Texan Ted Cruse, who last week won the Republican U.S. Senate nomination...
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   Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana WHICH REPUBLICANS ARE NOT ENDORSING  IN THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE? Endorsements are coming right and left from major party officials in the Republican primary presidential race.  Even so, The Wall Street Journal ran an opinion page column last week that concluded endorsements don’t make all that much difference...
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Thursday, March 10, 2011 New Orleans, Louisiana A LOUISIANA GUY THEY COULD CALL MR. PRESIDENT? Here’s your question for the day!  Name a Louisiana resident who seriously considered running for President?   Here are a few hints to round out his profile.  His resume’ shows that he was well educated and intelligent, was a member of...
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   Thursday, December 9, 2010 Baton Rouge, Louisiana ARE TEA PARTIERS, ESPECIALLY IN LOUISIANA, SELLING OUT FOR CAMPAIGN MONEY? It was just a few months ago when we listened to Tea Party candidates across the country declaring that they were going to Washington in order to shake up the political establishment.  No more “politics as...
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Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 Baton Rouge, Louisiana WHO DOES SARAH PALIN THINK SHE IS — BOBBY JINDAL? Sarah Palin brought her indomitable road show to my hometown of Baton Rouge this week with the flair and the chutzpah of a larger than life personality, which she just might be.  Security was tight at the local...
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