Welcome to the official website of Jim Brown - New Column appears each Monday!
This site is part of Brown Publications and The Lisburn Press
You are visiting my site on: January 20, 2025


February 26, 2023
A presidential candidate says candidates over 75 years old should take a competency test. Is old age a disqualification in running for public office? What about understanding public issues to begin with? Does being young automatically qualify one to understand just had to run any public office? I take a look at these questions in...
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Monday, February 27th, 2023 Baton Rouge, Louisiana  COMPETENCY TESTS FOR ALL LOUISIANA PUBLIC OFFICIALS! Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, has announced her intention to run for the Republican presidential nomination. As part of her platform, she proposed that all candidates running for president who are over 75 years old take a mental...
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WASHINGTON, DC “” The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the appeal of an Ohio man who was arrested, jailed, had his apartment searched, and had his phone and laptop seized by police in retaliation for mocking the police department through a parody Facebook page. Thumbs down for a bad decision.  To see the...
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Check out our new podcast just posted on the ridiculous cost of all forms of insurance in Louisiana.  You can listen now by going to www.datelinelouisiana.com.
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Weekly Cartoon

Order Jesus, Jews, Jihad and Me
by Clicking Here


To Listen, Click Here!

A provocative look at the deepest of the  deep southern states by two veterans of  Louisiana politics. Thoughts that are informative, candid, humorous, and  sometimes controversial about life in  one of the most interesting and rabble-rousing states in the nation.

To hear Jim Brown’s new regular podcast, Click Here.