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This site is part of Brown Publications and The Lisburn Press
You are visiting my site on: December 11, 2024


July 13, 2016
It’s Convention time for both national political parties as Republicans kickoff this week in Cleveland, followed by the Democrats making an onslaught in Philadelphia the following week. If you’ve never been to a national political convention, it’s really quite the spectacle. And there will be heightened tensions this year because of all the controversies in...
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Thursday, July 14th, 2016 Baton Rouge, Louisiana FORTY-EIGHT YEARS OF POLITICAL CONVENTIONS  Some 4000 Republican delegates and party officials are converging in Cleveland this week, with Democrats heading for Philadelphia the following week. The old process of picking national candidates in the proverbial smoke filled room has gone by the wayside in favor of party...
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Weekend radio is close at hand and we have a full program of topics for our listeners. I’ll give updates and opinions on the racial tensions across the country. Police training expert Dr. Alex del Carmen will be our gest to discuss the need to rethink training tactics. We will talk about the coming political...
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Weekly Cartoon

Order Jesus, Jews, Jihad and Me
by Clicking Here


To Listen, Click Here!

A provocative look at the deepest of the  deep southern states by two veterans of  Louisiana politics. Thoughts that are informative, candid, humorous, and  sometimes controversial about life in  one of the most interesting and rabble-rousing states in the nation.

To hear Jim Brown’s new regular podcast, Click Here.