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You are visiting my site on: September 11, 2024

Common Sense on the Radio Sunday!

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 Well, the weekend is here, we’re all set for lively Sunday Christmas show. Of course, the whole gun debate will be front and center, with so many people searching for answers to stop the violence. But which when we go? Is it limiting guns? More money for mental health? How about videogames? There’s a whole litany of solutions, and we will talk about what make common sense.  Peter Cohan will offer the economic side to the issue. “The number of guns made in the US rose 16% between 2010 and 2011 to 6.4 million guns, and the FBI expects to run 17.8 million firearm Peter is a management consultant and venture capitalist and teaches strategy at Babson College. He’s appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, and PBS’s Wall $treet Week.

 Also joining our program will be Dr. Linda Miles who agrees that much needs to change in both areas. Invite her to talk about the lack of services for young men like the shooters in Connecticut, Colorado and Oregon. She’ll explain the importance of getting communities involved in mental health issues and the need for treatment.

And finally, Dr. Daniel B. Botkin, scientist and renegade naturalist will join us to discuss his new book, THE MOON IN THE NAUTILUS SHELL, where he draws on new research and statistics, case studies on climate change, and personal observations to explain that too frequently we rely on folklore rather than fact as the basis for our environmental policies. You can read all about his book by Clicking Here. So a fully packed program, and we hope you will join us this weekend.


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