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You are visiting my site on: January 15, 2025

Campbell Brown Stirs uip More Controversy!

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It’s hits home and becomes “personal” when your kids get attacked, even in the media.  Daughter Campbell has been a harse critic of treachers unions in New York that are excessively tolerant of misconduct by teachers.  American Federation of Teachers head Randi Weingarten is calling a New York school union’s use of the phrase “blood libel” against former CNN anchor Campbell Brown a “regrettable use of words,” the latest in what has been a week-long flap between Brown and the labor leader over a WSJ op-ed about firing teachers accused of sexual misconduct.  You can read all about the crossfire by Clicking Here.

And here are follow-up comments by actress Maggie Gyllanhal and how education reform is now cool, where she refers to Campbell.  You can read this New York Post story by Clicking Here.  The educational website Eduwonk.com interviewed Campbell on her educational views that have caused so much controversy in New York.  Read her interview by Clicking Here.

And finally, Campbell’s husband, Dan Senor, came under the scrutiny of the New York Times this week in a front page story on Dan’s influence over Mitt Romney as the Republican presidential nominee’s foreign policy adviser.  You can read the lengthy profile on Dan by Clicking Here.

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