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June 15, 2011
Thursday, June 16th, 2011 Baton Rouge, Louisiana ARE REPUBLICANS FLIP FLOPPING ON HEALTH INSURANCE  MANDATES? Remember the old knock on presidential candidate John Kerry back in the 2004 election?  “I was for it before I was against it.”Â Â  Today, about the single worst charge that can be made against any conservative republican presidential candidate is...
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ARE REPUBLICANS FLIP FLOPPERS ON HEALTH INSURANCE  MANDATES? Remember the old knock on presidential candidate John Kerry back in the 2004 election?  “I was for it before I was against it.”Â Â  Today, about the single worst charge that can be make against any conservative republican presidential candidate is that they support requiring Americans to buy...
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The Presidential season seems to be approaching way too soon, with the first major Republican debate having taken place this past Monday evening.  Did you watch it or even care?  We wil talk a bit about winners and losers.  Our friend Professor Gabe Feldman was sidetracked last week, so he will be with us again...
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It’s interesting what you can see on signs around your area, and a few of the conflicting surrounding messages.  Take a look at a few of my favorites; And my favorite below.
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The Daily ShowTags: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
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Cajun music is a way of life down here where I live in Louisiana, and this time of year means summer festivals, piles of crawfish, and Cajun music galore.  Cajuns are the descendants of exiles from the French colony of ACADIA (present-day Nova Scotia and adjacent areas) who left their homeland in 1755 and found...
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A provocative look at the deepest of the  deep southern states by two veterans of  Louisiana politics. Thoughts that are informative, candid, humorous, and  sometimes controversial about life in  one of the most interesting and rabble-rousing states in the nation.

To hear Jim Brown’s new regular podcast, Click Here.