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You are visiting my site on: February 6, 2025

The Attacks begin in La. US Senate Race!

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Well it looks like the Republicans have a major Democratic opponent next year for incumbent David Vitter.  Congressman Charlie Melancon has all but announced he is running for Vitter’s seat. The mudslinging has begun early as the National Republican Senate campaign committee knows they have their hands full re electing Vitter.  The Senator actually may have more of a problem with challenges in his own party as rumors continue to spread of interest by both Secretary of State Jay Dardenne and Gov. Bobby Jindal’s name keeps popping up..  But in the meantime, any serious Democrat will see a slew of negative ads in the months to come.  The election is a little over a year away.Irrefutable proof that irony knows no ideological stripes: the Vitter camp brands Melancon with the dreaded L word in a new TV spot titled “Liberal LuvFest.” That Vitter, whose proverbial collar still bears the lipstick smears of his brush with the D.C. Madam, would use the term LuvFest in attacking Melancon has no doubt raised some eyebrows inside and outside the Beltway. The spot, set to a cheeky, big band soundtrack and depicting Melancon as a bobble-head doll vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard and enjoying the quid, the pro and the quo of support for the Obama agenda, leverages the lexicon of the right’s smear lingo: “big-spending,” “big labor,” “trial attorneys,” “Obama,” and, of course, liberal use of “liberal.” Thankfully, Melancon does not appear to pal around with terrorists. “Sure is swell when you’re a liberal-loving, Obama-endorsing congressman,” the announcer opines jeeringly, mispronouncing the congressman’s name M’LAHN-saw. Louisiana Democratic Party spokesman Kevin Franck issued the following response to the Vitter ad: “In contrast to the kind of luvfest David Vitter is used to, this trip was legal, public and no money changed hands. As we all remember, the last time David Vitter made public comments about a ‘luvfest’ he ended up begging for forgiveness.”  

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