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You are visiting my site on: January 18, 2025

Sex and the Single Priest?

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Should Roman Catholic priest be allowed to marry and have a family?  The issue is receiving national attention this week after a highly popular Miami priest, Rev. Alberto Cutie, was caught by a Spanish tabloid cuddling on a beach with a woman the priest says he loves.  Father Cutie is receiving overwhelming support in the South Florida area where his parishioners have marched in his behalf.

Surprising to many people, there is no basis for celibacy in the bible.  Priests often married up to the 12th century, when many believe it was outlawed so that a deceased priest’s family would make no claim on church property.  Today, Eastern Orthodox Catholic priest are allowed to marry. And if a married protestant minister becomes a priest, he too is allowed to stay married.  And with the shortage of priest worldwide, it just makes sense for the Catholic Church to reconsider this issue.  Women too as priests for that matter.  Too see an update on Father Cutie, Click Here and see the video below.

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