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You are visiting my site on: January 2, 2025

Should You Have the Right to Die?

Jim Brown Audio Player
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Here is a real tough one.  How much control should you have over your life, particularly if you are withering away and perhaps have five or six months to live?  Should you have the right to pull the plug?  Most states say no.  It’s a difficult issue, and I’ll be talking about it on this Sunday’s radio show on WRNO.  You can read a compelling article that appeared in last Sunday’s Los Angeles Times, entitled  “Time for Dad to Die,” by Clicking Here.  And spend a few minutes listening and watching a few case histories in the video below.  Then you make your choice.  Should someone have the right to die?

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/U9wf_5K2zLc" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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