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God Involved in North Carolina Senate Race

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I have always been a big fan North Carolina US Sen. Libby Dole.  I had a delightful dinner with her in Natchez, Mississippi back in the early 1970s. But she was soundly defeated in her re-election efforts this past Tuesday, and she only has her own self to blame. Dole has always been a Washington insider, having headed up the national Red Cross from Washington, D.C.  office, and being married to former US Sen. Bob Dole. But she took the people in North Carolina for granted, and in the year 2006, only came home to the state on 13 days. That’s just not doing your job. In her re-election efforts, she ran a highly negative TV spot against her Democratic opponent, state Sen. Kay Hagan, accusing Hagan of not believing in God.  Hagan is an elder in her church and attends regularly.  For good reason, Dole was overwhelming voted out of office.  You can see her negative TV spot as part of Campbell Brown’s commentary below. 



2 Responses
  1. Hardy Parkerson

    Boy, that was something! And what a great political commentator Campbell Brown has become! Just in case she might look at this because this is her father’s web-site, I would like to say to her, “Keep up the Great work, Campbell Brown! s/Hardy Parkerson – Lake Charles, LA

  2. Hardy Parkerson

    I’m so embarrassed. I was addressing the great Campbell Brown, via her father’s web-site, and I had a grammatical error in my posting: I failed to end the statement with a quotation mark (”). Please pardon me! One day I’ll learn to proof-read everthing I write and/or post. s/Hardy Parkerson

    Comment by Hardy Parkerson — November 6, 2008 @ 5:10 pm

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