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You are visiting my site on: February 19, 2025

Jindal’s last minute Endorsement Puzzling

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Some political observers are puzzled over the last minute endorsement by Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana State Treasurer John Kennedy, who is running for the U.S. Senate.  Kennedy’s opponent, incumbent Senator Mary Landrieu, is solidly ahead in recent polls.  So why would Jindal get in the middle of what seems to be a losing cause?  Jindal has been traveling around the country in recent weeks laying a foundation for a possible Presidential bid in 2012 if the McCain-Palin ticket looses.  One would think Jindal would not want a vindictive Senator Landrieu undermining his efforts.   And why did Jindal wait so late to get involved?  Here is Jindal’s endorsement below.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/zqRbEgnGvq8" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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