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You are visiting my site on: February 12, 2025

Cutting through the Bull

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In the heat of a presidential campaign, there are charges, innuendos, inaccurate statements, and outright lies that plague any major candidate.  We have certainly seen this take place in the present McCain-Obama slug fest.  That’s why it is refreshing for a political commentator to deal with misinformation head on, and try to keep this heated race in a proper perspective.  The fact that the commentator happens to be my daughter brings a great deal of pride when she forcefully speaks out, as she does each night on CNN.    Take a look below at her no bull commentary.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/_LXMMmfd1lw" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


5 Responses
  1. Hardy Parkerson

    With all due respect for the great Cambell Brown and for her opinions, there are too many unanswered questions about Obama. I am a loyal Democrat, but Obama scares me for many reasons. He may not be a Muslim, but he has his roots in Islam. It was Islamists who pulleld off 9-11. We don’t now need to elect a President of the United States who has his roots in Islam. Why do you think a black guy, even a Harvard graduate, with no real national leadership experience–or state leadership experience either, for that matter–has been able to raise millions and millions to run for president of the U.S.? Well, I fear and suspect that the bulk of that money has been, and is continuing to be, provided by Islamists, both from the USA and also from Iraq, Iran, Pakistan…you name it. Believe you me, millions of those dollars we have been spending for the increased price of gasoline at the pump have been paid by the ones who collect it to Obama’s campaign. I fear that the only reason Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton are backing Obama is that they have cut a deal with Obama and his money-backers to pay off all or a great part of Hillary Clinton’s debt that she acquired in her campaign against Obama. In other words, I fear–don’t know, of course–that Obama and/or his moneyed backers (mostly Islamists, I fear) are in effect “buying the Clintons’ support.

    And, finally, I understand that there is a lawsuit pending in federal court somewhere which attempts to prove that Obama is not even a U.S. citizen and/or that he does not even hold the basic U.S. Constitution-mandated qualification, or qualifications, to be the president; and, further, the DNC is fighting to make sure that this lawsuit does not progress to final judgment. I am not saying that any of the many negative allegations against Obama are true; I only fear that some of them might indeed be true. There are just too many unanswerd questions about Obama for me to be willing to vote for such an unknown and inexperienced candidate as he. Let him serve a while in the Senate and pay his dues and let people learn more about him, before he is made President of the U.S. and Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.

    Once again, Obama has his roots in Islam, even if he is indeed a born-again Christian; and it was Islamist who pulled off 9-11. As Americans, we must be united in defense of Israel, as well as of our own country; and it cannot be in the best of interest of Israel for the U.S., nor of the U.S., to elect a president with his roots in Islam. There is more to it all than this, but this is something to think about.


    Hardy Parkerson
    A Loyal Democrat

  2. Hardy Parkerson

    With all due respect for the great Cambell Brown and for her opinions, there are too many unanswered questions about Obama. I am a loyal Democrat, but Obama scares me for many reasons. He may not be a Muslim, but he has his roots in Islam. It was Islamists who pulleld off 9-11. We don’t now need to elect a President of the United States who has his roots in Islam. Why do you think a black guy, even a Harvard graduate, with no real national leadership experience–or state leadership experience either, for that matter–has been able to raise millions and millions to run for president of the U.S.? Well, I fear and suspect that the bulk of that money has been, and is continuing to be, provided by Islamists, both from the USA and also from Iraq, Iran, Pakistan…you name it. Believe you me, millions of those dollars we have been spending for the increased price of gasoline at the pump have been paid by the ones who collect it to Obama’s campaign. I fear that the only reason Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton are backing Obama is that they have cut a deal with Obama and his money-backers to pay off all or a great part of Hillary Clinton’s debt that she acquired in her campaign against Obama. In other words, I fear–don’t know, of course–that Obama and/or his moneyed backers (mostly Islamists, I fear) are in effect “buying the Clintons’ support.

    And, finally, I understand that there is a lawsuit pending in federal court somewhere which attempts to prove that Obama is not even a U.S. citizen and/or that he does not even hold the basic U.S. Constitution-mandated qualification, or qualifications, to be the president; and, further, the DNC is fighting to make sure that this lawsuit does not progress to final judgment. I am not saying that any of the many negative allegations against Obama are true; I only fear that some of them might indeed be true. There are just too many unanswerd questions about Obama for me to be willing to vote for such an unknown and inexperienced candidate as he. Let him serve a while in the Senate and pay his dues and let people learn more about him, before he is made President of the U.S. and Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.

    Once again, Obama has his roots in Islam, even if he is indeed a born-again Christian; and it was Islamist who pulled off 9-11. As Americans, we must be united in defense of Israel, as well as of our own country; and it cannot be in the best of interest of Israel, nor of the U.S., for the U.S. to elect a president with his roots in Islam. There is more to it all than this, but this is something to think about.


    Hardy Parkerson
    A Loyal Democrat

  3. Jim, This is a very cool video of your daughter. I never knew she was a CNN reporter. I like it. I really am tired of the mudslinging especially without documentation. I am McCain, but the mudslinging of Obama without documentation and backup is what is disturbing me to point of disturbing the peace. I like the way she is handling this and it is quite comforting and does add credibility. I do not buy political criticism without proof. That is what disturbs me. Congratulations on your daughters handling such in a short and sweet manner.

  4. Jim, I am a Jeffersonian and believe in true freedom of and from religion. My only issue with Muslim/Islam is that they will kill one of theirs if they leave their religion. That is all I am concerned about. They also treat their women like an old tire or piece of property. They need a women’s lib there badtime city.

  5. DeWayne Guice

    Will Cambell cut through the bull on the lawsuit filed against Obama and his qualifications? Is it true he was not born a United States Citizen and the Constitution requires a president to be a born citizen? Does Obama laws supercede the constituiton? Maybe Cambell will cut through the bull on this question if the net work allows it.

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