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This site is part of Brown Publications and The Lisburn Press
You are visiting my site on: February 13, 2025


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Well we are cleaning up in the aftermath of Gustav that caused some $10 billion in damage to Louisiana. Two million customers lost power, and there is a great de3al of cleaning up to do. But wait. HURRICANE IKE is on its way into the Gulf and could pose a real new threat to the Gulf Coast. That’s what the weather experts are saying. So keep an eye out yourself if you live down our way, and we will up to the minute information on our site but can also get it by Clicking Here.

RADIO UPDATES- I’ll be giving regular updates on 99.5fm, WRNO out of New Orleans. . So be sure and tune in. Back to normal program scheduling beginning next week. You can contact me on the air either by email at jim@wrno.com, or by phone at 504 260-0995. And thanks to so many of you who are listening over the internet. I really appreciate your calls and emails. I’ll read your emails on the air, so send your thoughts to Jim@WRNO.com.

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