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This site is part of Brown Publications and The Lisburn Press
You are visiting my site on: January 18, 2025

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760 Responses
  1. Petit Cochon

    Me, I understand why dese Louisianne banks advertise for dose L S & U tigres, buy why dey advertise for dem Aggies in dose drive thrus – me I don know.

  2. Scotty Boudreaux

    A TRUE CONSERVATIVE believes that government can’t be all things to all people and that the government which governs least governs best.

  3. P Cochon

    an furder, I don know why since we got a democrat gubernor…dat Jon belle edwaards, why he let dat university of Louisianne at Lafette, call demselves de Reagan Cajuns. Aft all, he de gubenor and he a democrat hiself.


    : Believes that the government which governs least governs best, that government can’t be all things to all people.

  5. Hardy Parkerson

    I wonder why nobody writes on Jim Brown’s Graffiti Wall any more. I miss reading what used to be posted there. s/HP

  6. Petit in Kaplan

    Hey, Mr. Parkerson, lots of people still write here. Look at all the graffiti postings below yours.

  7. James Stewart

    Hello Mr. Brown,
    I read your article regarding the heavy handed FBI tactics during the STONE arrest. As a former FBI agent, I found the tactics to be disgraceful.

    Mueller used the FBI and Director Gray should be ashamed. CNN was there, because someone leaked that information. Even if they did stake out his house, as a former supervisor, I would asked any media, to move to a safe location away from the immediate area until the situation was under control.

    While I was the Hammond PD police chief, HPD endured similar treatment and our department was cooperating with them, and I was just four months removed the FBI. The heavy handed tactics were needed.

    I served proudly for 21 years.
    There are great people inside and the career is rewarding. Lack of leadership at the to has always been problem.


    James Stewart