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You are visiting my site on: January 2, 2025

Jindal’s Challanges-My Comments

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Below is my interview by LaNewslink.com on the dangers for Governor Bobby Jindal being so high profile on the national scene, and the challanges he faces here in Louisiana.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tc1vcg7NjUA" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

1 Response
  1. Richard Anderson

    Governor Bobby Jindal have prematurely made a judgment of rejecting federal aid from the stimulus law before you even present it to the Legislature — which could write a new law with a sunset provision so it expires when the federal stimulus dollars run out, as suggested by an aide to Sen. Mary Landrieu. There would be “NO” new taxes on state businesses if this was done.

    The Governor should ask the Legislature come together in order to write this sunset provision! Louisiana needs jobs, and we need all the help we can get. Need I remind him that Katrina and Rita took its toll on New Orleans and Louisiana, which has not completely recovered yet. This federal aid could help so many people still suffering from the ravages of these storms and from these precarious economic times. I ask the Governor several Questions:
    Are you our governor, or are you more concerned about a run for president in 2012 as the Republican candidate? Louisiana needs leadership from a governor to look out for the best interest of its people.. Ne needs to be cognizant of his “PRESENT” responsibilities and “GOVERN”. There is a time for politics and “NOW” is not that time. TO ALL LISTENERS: Please promptly call, FAX, and e-mail Jindal’s office today. They are open. The telephone number for the Governor’s office is locally 225-342-7015, toll free (866) 366-1121 and the FAX number is 225-342-7099 for submission of statements.

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