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You are visiting my site on: February 23, 2025


We are getting close to the national election and so what can we expect? Distorted charges out right lies? This always seems to happen you’re in national  elections. This time around, both candidates for  vice president are being swift boated. I had the same thing happen to me. If you’re not sure what it is, check out my new column now posted. You can find it by clicking on the Red Flashing Box above or by Clicking Here.

2 Responses
  1. Richard

    I enjoy reading your column that is printed in the Ouachita Citizen, my local weekly newspaper. I am a Marine Corps combat veteran of the Vietnam conflict who spent a year of being scared and seeing some close friends sustain terrible wounds and others killed. I despise people who say or imply they were in Vietnam or were combat veterans when they weren’t. That said, I respect the time Mr. Waltz for the time he spent in the National Guard, but his embellishment concerning his true rank and the implication that he served in combat is maddening. Every attack I’ve seen on Mr. Waltz is for his embellishment and implying he was in combat, but commends him for his time in the Guard. I don’t believe this is anywhere near Swift Boatin.

  2. I hope no one is attacked, and that everyone is praised for being in the military. Thanks for your comments and your service Richard.

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