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This site is part of Brown Publications and The Lisburn Press
You are visiting my site on: March 12, 2025


November 30, 2016
For a large numbers of Americans, New Orleans is by far their favorite city. And for good reason. When you list the very best of things to enjoy, food, entertainment, history, ambience, the Crescent City tops the list. But there’s trouble down in River city. Week after week, more killings take place. 10 people shot...
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Thursday, December 1st, 2016 New Orleans, Louisiana IS NEW ORLEANS UNDER SIEGE? The headlines resounded across the front page of both New Orleans’ daily newspapers. “AN UNCONSCIONABLE ACT” blared the New Orleans Advocate. “IT WAS PANIC,” shouted The Times Picayune. Bullets were flying all over Bourbon Street as a visiting Baton Rouge man was killed...
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Our weekend radio program is shaping up nicely, and we will have a full agenda of issues and guests. How much hacking is going on our country? Is your computer at risk? We will talk with computer expert Sarah Granger about this. Also, can a restaurant owner decide who they servant who will not be...
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Weekly Cartoon

Order Jesus, Jews, Jihad and Me
by Clicking Here


To Listen, Click Here!

A provocative look at the deepest of the  deep southern states by two veterans of  Louisiana politics. Thoughts that are informative, candid, humorous, and  sometimes controversial about life in  one of the most interesting and rabble-rousing states in the nation.

To hear Jim Brown’s new regular podcast, Click Here.