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You are visiting my site on: September 21, 2024

Weekend Radio Schedule!

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I’ll take our weekend radio program to Portland, Oregon this weekend, so we are looking forward to a more cool weather from the Pacific Ocean. We begin the show with guest David Sehat and his new book, THE JEFFERSON RULE: How the Founding Fathers Became Infallible and Our Politics Inflexible, shows how both the Left and the Right cite the Founders as though they would unanimously support widely divergent, even contradictory, present-day policies. Just what did Jefferson think? You can find out more on the book by Clicking Here.


We will continue our Thomas Jefferson discussion with author Mark Beliles. Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers intended a strict separation of church and state, right? He would have been very upset to find out about a child praying in a public school or a government building used for religious purposes, correct? Actually, the history on this has been very distorted. Mark discusses all this in his new book, Doubting Thomas. See more by Clicking here.


And finally, an update on the terrible shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana. Professor John Tures, a political science teacher at LaGrange College in Georgia, will be our guest to discuss domestic terrorism. So be sure to check local listings for times and stations. We will see you on the radio!



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