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This site is part of Brown Publications and The Lisburn Press
You are visiting my site on: December 26, 2024


November 20, 2013
   Fifty Years!  It just doesn’t seem that long ago that the 34th president was assassinated in Dallas Texas.  John F. Kennedy had captured the hearts of an overwhelming majority of the American people. But then the walls came crashing down.  He was assassinated in Dallas, but during both the good times and the bad,...
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Thursday, November 21st, 2013 Baton Rouge, Louisiana JFK AND HIS SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH LOUISIANA The 34th President of the United States was assassinated 50 years ago this week under controversial circumstances that leave a number of questions unanswered to this day.  Republicans look to Ronald Reagan as their ideal. But John Kennedy captured the hearts...
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I don’t know about you, but I’m an unabashed Angelina Jolie fan.  Not only is she an exceptional actress, but also devoted to her family and particularly to the world around her.  Take a minute to listen to her acceptance speech in receiving the Governor’s movie award.  It’s worth the time.  (And a great story...
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My friend, former LSU basketball Coach Dale Brown, sent me the video below, that puts into perspective how seriously we take ourselves, yet how really insignificant we in in our world. “There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores...
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Streamed live on Nov 14, 2013 Moments after President Obama spoke to the press corps about his temporary fix to the issue of health insurance terminations resulting after, former Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Brown, former Jefferson Parish Assessor Lawrence Chehardy and Bayoubuzz publisher engaged in a Google Hangout to discuss the many problems now existing by...
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Weekly Cartoon

Order Jesus, Jews, Jihad and Me
by Clicking Here


To Listen, Click Here!

A provocative look at the deepest of the  deep southern states by two veterans of  Louisiana politics. Thoughts that are informative, candid, humorous, and  sometimes controversial about life in  one of the most interesting and rabble-rousing states in the nation.

To hear Jim Brown’s new regular podcast, Click Here.