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You are visiting my site on: July 27, 2024

You Gotta Finish the Race!

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I’m an old Triathlon competitor from way back.  Not that I was all that good, but I enjoyed the swim, bike, run combination, and I competed in events around the South for a number of years.  And here’s some advice. Ironman contestants: in the future, please make sure to cross the finish line before celebrating and pretending to be an airplane. Jérémy Jurkiewicz of France was essentially””keyword is “essentially”””done with the Ironman 70.3 Brazil this past weekend, so he decided to stop short of the finish line for an inexplicable reason. Maybe he didn’t think second place was close behind. Who knows? Anyway, Brazil’s Igor Amorelli turned the corner, saw what Jurkiewicz was doing, and broke into a full sprint. Somehow, Jurkiewicz noticed at the last second, pushing himself in front of Amorelli and actually winning with a time of 3:52:40.3. (Amorelli finished with a time of 3:52:42.0.) Check it out below.

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