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You are visiting my site on: January 23, 2025

Weekend Radio Show Schedule.

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Radio 5

The Weekend show scheduled begins this week with current controversies in the news.  We now learn that the National Security Administration ( NSA) has admitted over 1000 violations of the law as they continue their quest together complete information on every single American.  Does that, dear listener, bother you? Do you feel you have nothing to hide, so what difference does it make? We will talk about it.  We will also take a look at the college loan controversy where millions of young people are way over their heads in college loans.  Is it our job, as taxpayers, to bail them out?


On the medical front, our guest will be Dr. Robert Slay, who discusses the dramatic obesity rates.  And can you believe he is also a comedian? In a humorous way, he will take a look at what we should do to stay a heck of a lot healthier. His book, “The Battle Buddy Diet,” can be looked at and ordered by Clicking Here.


 And finally, the photographer Michael Woods will be on our show to talk about the numbers 666. Are there clues buried in these numbers that have special; Biblike meaning? Michael has memorized, word for word, entire chapters and sections of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Bible. He will give us his interpretations as to how the identity of 666 was found, and what it means us in modern life. You can read about his latest book, “Pauline Paradoxes Decoded”, by Clicking Here.  So all in all, we have a lovely show. We’ll see you on the radio.

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