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You are visiting my site on: January 17, 2025

Common Sense Radio Program

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Radio 5

A Fourth of July weekend holiday radio show special for this Sunday.  We will look back on a busy week of news that includes the Zimmerman trial, the immigration debate, and the overalls racial tone in America today.  Has it improved, or getting worse?  And this weekend is the 150th anniversary of two the major battles of the Civil War. What a waste. We will talk about it.


 We will also talk about a major new book, The Wisdom of the Oval Office, by author Pierce Word. What can we learn today from presidential quotes, some of which the go back over 200 years?  You can find more about this popular new book by Clicking Here.


 And we all know that major battles in the heart of war can change the course of history.   What are some of the major battles that have had long-term impacts on the course of history?  James Lacey and Williamson Murray have written a major historical account of such battles in their new book, Moment of Battle:  The Twenty Clashes that Changed the World.  They will join us and you can check out their book by Clicking Here.   See you on the radio.  Check your local listings for times and stations on the “Common Sense” program heard coast to coast.


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