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You are visiting my site on: September 7, 2024

Radio Weekend Show Schedule

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The news media and number of politically connected organizations are outraged that the Obama administration for invading their privacy. And they have good reason to be. If there is any doubt about our liberty, our privacy and basic freedoms that could be under attack, the last few weeks show a real erosion of what we take to be basic rights under the U.S. Constitution.  But come on now.  Where was all this outrage over the past 10 years?  On Sunday’s show, we will question all these members of Congress who voted for the Patriot Act that allows the federal government to do exactly what is been going on. So why are they complaining?


We will also talk about Internet gambling. Should we open up the doors for anyone to gamble on their computer? Prof. John Warren Kindt, from the University of Illinois, will join us to talk about the dangers, and the social effects of allowing gambling anytime day or night, and all across the world.


And finally, how well do you speak Spanish?  And can you hade traveling without any foreign language background?  Mark Frobose is the leading language expert in America today. We’ll talk about your needs like to have a language background. His website is www.languageaudiobook.com.  So join us for a lively Weekend Show.

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