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You are visiting my site on: January 25, 2025

Radio Program Schedule.

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We are ready for the radio weekend, with the top lineup of topics and guests.  This whole terrible Cleveland kidnapping offense gets murkier and murkier. Public officials and the press are having a day one one-upping each other in printing and sending out salacious new facts or alleged facts.  Psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi will join us to discuss some of the tough questions that need to be addressed.  How do the teens held for years in a Cleveland home re-assimilate into society?  How do they deal with their anger? What about their captors? What makes them do what they are charged with doing?  We will look at all these issues.  Check out Dr. Rossi’s website by Clicking Here

Book180x250And did the FBI drop the ball when it came to stopping the Boston Bomber?  It looks like 9/11 redux as Russia warned the FBI but little follow-up was done.  Is it time for a shake up in the agency as well as the Department of Homeland security?


On a lighter note, how well do you handle getting old?  It was my birthday this week (see this week’s column by Clicking Here), and perhaps you can identify with some of the things I have experienced.  So tune in for a lively weekend program.  We will see you on the radio.


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