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You are visiting my site on: February 17, 2025

Gov. Jesse Ventura on the Radio Sunday!

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Former Minnesota Governor is mad and is on a mission.   He says both political parties are just thugs in Brooks Brothers suits. DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans he calls them.  The Governor thinks it’s time for no More Gangs in Government.  Here’s what he has to say about America today.  “I remember when this country was all in the same boat”“and now it is looking like the Titanic, with the rich folks still dancing on the upper decks.”

And he will tell it all this weekend on the “Common Sense” radio program.  That’s right!  Governor Jesse will be my guest on Sunday to speak his mind about the coming election.  The Governor has a new book out that is stirring up a great deal of political interest.  You can find out all about it by Clicking Here.  Of course, we will update listeners on the presidential race that is winding down to Election Day.  So much to talk about this weekend.  Be sure and tune in.



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Jim Brown’s Common Sense



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