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You are visiting my site on: February 19, 2025

Full Radio Schedule this Sunday!

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The Radio Weekend close at hand with jam-packed agenda on schedule.  Of course, we will re-visit the Democratic Convention just as we discussed the Republican convention on last week’s show.  And related to the coming election is the perceived issue of voter fraud.  Hans Von Spakovsky, authors of a controversial new book, “Who’s Counting,“Â  will join us to discuss just how serious the issue of voter fraud is.  The 2012 election is likely to be one of the closest””a fact that brings concerns to some about voter fraud and bureaucratic incompetence in the conduct of elections front and center. Von Spakovsky feels that if we don’t get our act together, we could see a repeat of the Bush-Gore 2000 Florida recount debacle in which courts and lawyers intervened in a decision that should have been made by the voters alone.  You can read al about the book by Clicking Here.

 And how do you tell if someone is lying?    SPY THE LIE was written by former CIA officers on detecting deception. Author Philip Houston will discuss just what are the techniques to pick up on verbal and nonverbal cues that can be utilized in any scenario, from hiring a new employee to the upcoming political campaign.  You can read more about the book by Clicking Here.

 Finally, Attorney John Patti will join us to discuss his client, A New Jersey mother who is suing the producer of an educational breastfeeding video that was eventually posted to various pornography websites.  What are the rights of this mother?   Attorney Patti’s website is listed as www.japlaw.com.  All this and more on this week’s “Common Sense“ radio program.  Be sure and join in.

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