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You are visiting my site on: January 23, 2025

Should Louisiana Secede from the Union?

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Sarah Palin is making a comeback, endorsing Republican candidates nationwide.  She continues to advocate states rights, and even secession, for states that have had their fill of the federal government. Maybe the lady is on to something that could interest my home state of Louisiana.

We have tried this statehood thing for 200 years, but maybe it’s just not working out. The federal government continues to shortchange Louisiana on virtually every federal program, from hurricane recovery funds t0 getting a fair shake on offshore oil royalties.  So, since Sarah Palin has raised the issue of secession for Alaska, maybe us folks down in Cajun country should start considering the option of seceding from the Union and becoming our own nation, as well.  I wrote about this possibility in my new column.  You can read it now by Clicking Here, or by hitting the Flashing Red Box above.

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