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Radio Schedule for Sunday, April 15th

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We hope you can join us on this week’s “Common Sense“ radio program, on Sunday morning from 9:00 am until 11:00 from 9:00 am until 11:00 am central time on stations coast to coast.  And a full agenda is on tap.  We will talk about taxes (did you remember to file by the 15?), Thomas Jefferson (it’s his birthday Sunday) and about he would be greatly disturbed over the lack of individual freedom throughout America today.  And it is also the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.  Scott Seeds is the author of a new book on new facts as to just how the Titanic sank.  The book is called “Titanic:  After the Last Lifeboat,” and you can read more about it and order he book by Clicking Here.

And how’s your aching back doing?  As you get older, everyone seems to have one.  Just what can you do about a sore back?  Dr. Vaughan Dabbs joins us to talk about his new book, “Why Your Back Hurts.” You just might learn something new, so be sure and catch this segment at the top of our second hour.  You can read about it by Clicking Here. 

 We will end our show talking about the Civil War that began on this date in 1862.   Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard from Louisiana, on March 1, 1861, becoming the Confederate Army’s first general officer, and ordered the shot that began the Civil War at Ft. Sumter. New reports now show that some 750,000 Americans killed each other in this war. Was it worth all the lives lost?  We will talk about it.  So be sure and tune in to the “Common Sense“ show.


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Jim Brown’s Common Sense


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