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You are visiting my site on: February 13, 2025

Full Radio Schedule this weekend!

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We are jam packed for the “Common Sense” program schedule for this weekend.  The Supreme Court hearings on Obamacare will receive our attention. (See this week’s column on this subject)  So will the Travon Martin killing in Florida.  Are “Stand your Ground” shootings always justified?  And how do you react when you see someone in a hoodie?  I’ll  share some personal experiences with you.

Dr. Cass Ingram, a physican by training, has written a new book called: “Rigged: Who is Tampering with the 2012 election process and why?”   Is there a danger that a fair election will not take place?  Just how much voter fraud is there throughout the country?   And Alan Uke will be a guest to talk abut his new book, “Buying American Back.”Â  Do you know just where your goods and services are coming from?  Do you even care about “buying American?”Â  Alan will tell us why it’s important to do so.  You can find out all about his book by Clicking Here.

All this and a lot more on the “Common Sense” program this weekend.  Check your local lsting, or listen live right here on this site.  We will see you on the radio.

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