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You are visiting my site on: February 6, 2025

Busy Holiday Radio Schedule!

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The Holliday season is busy for all of us, and we certainly will have a full agenda on this week’s “Common Sense” radio show.  For the rest of the year, I’ll be hosting the sow live from our flagship station, Clear Channel’s WJBO AM out of my hometown of Baton Rouge.  Christmas always gives us plenty of things to talk about (Oops.  Is saying “Christmas” politically?  Well it is on our “Common Sense” show.)  We will talk about the highs and lows of 201l, and discuss with several guests religious implications of all the turmoil that seems to be growing throughout the world.

Nationally known defense attorney and radio show host Misty Oaks, from Atlanta, will be on the show to talk about how inconsistent justice is handed out in criminal cases throughout the country.  She will touch on the controversially note that both religion and money unfortunately, pay large role in our sometimes “unjust” American legal system.

And what skin problems do you face in cold weather?  Still need sun scream?  What do you do about dry skin?  Dermatologist Dr. Scott Jackson will offer some practical advice as to how to deal with winter weather and still keep your skin healthy.  You can find out more of Dr. Jackson and his clinic by Clicking Here.

We will update this site with more show guests and schedules as the weekend gets nearer, so keep any eye out, and we hope you will be able to join us on the “Common Sense” show this Sunday morning, from 9:00 until 11:00 am central time,  on stations nationwide.  See you on the radio.




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