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You are visiting my site on: February 17, 2025

Politics, Freedom and Air Saftey on the Radio!

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Hey, the weekend is near, and although most of us down here in Louisiana are still celebrating over the big LSU victory over Alabama, we have business to do and some important subjects to cover n the “Common Sense” radio program this Sunday.  We will start with a weekend update on the presidential election and ask some key questions.  Is Republican candidate Herm Cain Toast?  Does Mitt Romney have the nomination about sewed up?  Is there any possible chance of a new entry in this race?  Join us in the discussion.

Bestselling author David Shipler will join us to talk but his new book, The “Rights of the People.”Â  How have our rights to privacy and justice been undermined? What exactly have we lost? Shipler is a Pulitzer Prize winner, and he searches for the answers to these questions by examining the historical expansion and contraction of our fundamental rights and, most pointedly, the real-life stories of individual men and women who have suffered. This is the account of what has been taken””and of how much we stand to regain by protesting the departures from the Bill of Rights. Shipler’s book is an important statemnt on how much freedom we as Americans have given up, and you can find out more informaion about it by Clicking here.

I don’t know about you, but I fly a lot and have always had concerns about just who is looking out for air safety.  Is the FAA doing a good job?  There is overwhelming evidence that the FAA is very far from attaining safety, responsiveness, or accountability. Robert M. Misic, the author of Crash & Burn: The Bureaupathology of the Federal Aviation Administration, believes that, when citizens get a clear view of what is happening behind the curtain of secrecy, they will take steps to stop it. Misic thinks the public will demand accountability for self-serving, dishonest, and unlawful actions. They will expect a thorough housecleaning. This book was written to pull back that curtain of secrecy and reveal the true nature of the FAA. Timing Inside the FAA, there is much dissatisfaction; the agency ranks 214th out of 216 federal agencies in a “best places to work “index compiled in 2009 by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service.  Robert Misic book, “Crash and Burn” is posted above, and you can find out more information about it by Clicking Here.

So join us this weekend on our “Common Sense“ radio program heard around the world on the world wide web by over a  million listeners, and on stations all across America.

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