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You are visiting my site on: February 12, 2025

Psychics, Loosing Weight and Good Food on the Radio!

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Thanksgiving weekend will be a good time to relax with family, and tune in to the “Common Sense“ radio program.  It’s been a busy week in the news, and we will have a lot to cover.  Presidential politics continues on the front burner, and the first primary is only six weeks away. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is the GOP flavor of the month, and now he is under fire for receiving $1.8 million to give advice to Freddie Mac, a government created entity that he criticized while in congress. It looks like Rick Perry is toast, the jury is still out on Herman Cain, and ole’ Mitt Romney just keeps “hanging in there.”Â  So who has the best shot of defeating the President?  We will discuss it on Sunday.

Have you ever eaten at a Chris’ Steak House?  It was founded in New Orleans but now operates coast to coast.   The founder, Ruth Fertel, was a longtime family friend and her son, Randy Fertel, will join me to go down memory lane and talk about his growing up in the restaurant business.  Randy heads up the Fertel Foundation, and is an active part of bringing initiatives to cities all over America that bring new insights for growth.  His new book, Gorilla Man and the Empress of Steak, is amusing and informative.  You can read more about Randy’s book by Clicking Here.

And here are several new additions for Sunday’s show.  If you have struggled on your weight loss journey, this certainly won’t be your first diet book, but it may very well be your last! Discover how you, too, can lose a significant amount of weight using the Scripture method that Ben Sley used to safely lose 50 lbs in 6 months. We will talk about his new book, Christian Weight Loss.  You can get more information on Ben’s book by Clicking Here.

And do you believe in psychics?  Someone who communicates with the dead?  A practicing lawyer for over two decades, Mark Anthony is also a gifted medium who has worked with thousands of clients. He shares what he says are true stories of contact with spirits and their  messages of forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance.  Mark will tell  you how you will be able to recognize and make contact with the spirits of your loved ones.  Listen to see if you are convinced.  Click Here for more information on Mark.

Lots more to cover, so join us this Sunday from 9:00 am until 11:00 am on Jim Brown’s “Common Sense.”  We will see you on the radio.

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