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You are visiting my site on: February 13, 2025

The Terror and Tragedy of 9/11 on the Radi0!

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9/11 will obviously been the “˜Common Sense’ focus on this 10 year anniversary of this catastrophic tragedy that changed the focus of our American way of life.  We will have guests that were in the World Trade Center and struggled for their lives.  We will look back and listen to perspectives of the three groups that were caught up in the 9/ll horror-those who died, survivors, and first responders.

Nicole B. Simpson, CFP and a survivor herself, represents many of the 9/11 survivors. She spent almost three years talking to individuals who were directly impacted by the tragedy of 9/11/2001.  In June, 2011, she released the survivor’s story titled 9/11/01 A Long Road Toward Recovery.   During the month of September a portion of the proceeds from books sales is being donated to Tuesdays Children and other organizations who work with struggling survivors.  You can read more about the book by Clicking Here.

My long time friend and New York Attorney Kevin Salter will also join us and re-live his harrowing experience of standing outside the World trade Center as the buildings fell.  He crawled for blocks through the smoke and soot barely being able to see.  Kevin was the subject of a CBS Report to cover his gripping story.  We are pictured below at the World Trade Center site.

 My 9-11: One Man’s Journey Through the Unexpected Events of September 11, 2001 is a 144-page hardback commemorative book recounting the World Trade Center tragedy through the eyes of a civilian first responder, a professional photographer who lived in lower Manhattan, a few blocks from the Twin Towers. This beautifully crafted volume presents 40 images, including never before published photos taken 20 minutes after One World Trade Center collapsed and selected artifacts preserved from Ground Zero. The book includes a vividly detailed 11,000-word narrative offering a glimpse of both the turmoil and heroism at Ground Zero immediately following the towers downfall. You can read more about the book and the dedicated organization helping so many first responders by going to their website by Clicking here.

A part of the MY 9-11 Project, here is a very moving song and video written and sung by Alicia Lemke who edited the 144-page commemorative book that is the flagship medium of the multimedia project. The song, entitled “Maiden Lane“ was inspired by the true story of the photographer and civilian first responder, Richard Agudelo, who rushed in to help as others were fleeing. Maiden Lane is the street he led some fellow volunteers down to get to his apartment so they could recoup.

You can listen and watch the video below.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/1l5MbyBE_zI" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

So join me this weekend on stations throughout the country, as well as a worldwide audience right here on this site.  Merely hit the flashing blue box above.  See you on the radio.

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