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You are visiting my site on: February 13, 2025

Terrorism, Death Penalty and $16 Muffins on the Radio!

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We will be broadcasting live this Sunday morning from Clear Channel Studios in St. Louis, Missouri.  Balmy weather in the 60s is predicted so I’m looking forward to attending my Ladue High School class reunion, then airing our show. I believe one of my classmates works for the Justice Department,  so I’ll be looking forward to asking him about Justice Department’s $16 muffins they have ordered at recent conferences. Now, the $16 muffins are causing, well, heartburn. As well they should. My listeners will certainly be steamed over a Justice Department inspector general audit that found apparently “extravagant and potentially wasteful” expenses at conferences, including $16 muffins and coffee and tea that cost as much as $8 per 8-ounce cup. The Justice Department appears to be blind to the economic realities our country is facing, and we will take about this and other extravagant waste taking place in the justice department on our show.

And what a better time to talk about the death penalty.   Georgia Inmate Troy Davis was put to death this week, even though 7seven of the witnesses against him retracted their testimony. Professor Brandon Garrett will join us to discuss his new bestselling book, “Convicting the Innocent.” How can we stop sending innocent people to our prisons?  As you turn the pages of this important and startling book, you will come to realize that wrongful convictions are not accidents. They are the tragic result of a criminal justice system in deep need of reform. You can find out more of Prof. Garrett’s book by Clicking Here.

Following all the focus on 9/ll I’ll be joined on the show by Thom Shanker, to discuss his new book, “Counterstrike.“   It lays bare the provocative new ideas that are driving the war on terrorism. Generals often talk about changing the hearts and minds of people in faraway lands, but Eric Schmitt and Thom Shanker reveal the importance of changing the hearts and minds of America’s defense strategists. This is a groundbreaking intellectual history that is also a great read. You can get more information about the book by Clicking Here.

All this and a lot more on the Common Sense radio show this weekend. We will see you on the radio!


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