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You are visiting my site on: February 19, 2025

Live, from Dallas on the Radio!

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The “Common Sense” radio show this weekend has a full array of guests.  We will be broadcasting live from Dallas, Texas on Clear Channel’s all talk  station, KFXR There will also be continuing analysis of jut what effect the recent hurricane will  have on insurance rates nationwide.   Your rates are bound to go up.  so what can you do about it?   Then, I’ll have author “˜Steven Rosenbaum, who, in his new book  Curation Nation, “curates the curators” by gathering together  insight and advice from the top thinkers in media, advertising, publishing, commerce, and Web technologies.  Full information about his book can be found byClicking Here.

Ken Kamen also joins me to talk personal finance.  He zeroes in on the philosophy of investments, advising readers how best to maintain a strong financial position, especially given the latest run of economic jitters. And he does so by leveling the knowledge of investments, scrutinizing the past, and scouring the present for lessons to be learned.  His new book, Reclaim Your Nest Egg, is available by Clicking Here.

And finally, with Monica Lewinsky back in the news, I’ll talk with Ken Gormley who teaches law at Duquesne University. In 1999, the shocking revelation of President Clinton’s affair with a White House intern captivated the nation and nearly sank his career as well as that of prosecutor Ken Starr.  Professor Gormley has new insights that have never been reported in his new book, The Death of American Virtue. More information is found by Clicking Here.

A really full and informative show is scheduled this Sunday, from 9:00 am central time until 11:00 am, on the Genesis Communications Network.  You can also listen on the world wide web by accessing my radio program at the top of this site.

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