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Football, Country Music and Money on the Radio!

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Wow, do we have a fully packed radio program this weekend that you won’t want to miss.  I’ll rehash the Republican circus that took place in New Orleans last weekend at the National Republican Leadership Conference.  It was Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs all running for the presidential nomination with each candidate trying to out tea party the other.  They got so riled up they threw a Barack Obama impersonator off the stage.  I’ll give you the full details this Sunday morning.

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And how as bout pro football this fall-will we have it?  These are interesting times for the National Football League. Immediately after producing the most watched television show in U.S. history, the focus has shifted towards the negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement between the owners and the players.  What’s it all about?  I’ll have as my guest Tulane law professor Gabe Feldman to explain the whole conroversy.

I have written repeatedly how the financial and insurance regulators dropped the ball causing the recent financial crisis.  New York Times writer Joshua Rosner has a new book out, Reckless Endangerment, that agrees.  We will try to figure out just what went wrong and where the blame should lie.  You can get full information about Rosner’s book by Clicking Here


If you read this column regularly, you know what a big country music fan I am.  “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Country Music” is an inspirational collection of more than 100 of your favorite country songs. Author Randy Rudder will join me in discussing his new book.  While many fans may focus on the artist singing the song, I think the meat and potatoes to any successful tune is the songwriter behind that creation. In this book, the story comes straight from the songwriter’s mouth in enjoyable bites of information. We hear from Jimmy Webb who talks about the Glen Campbell hits, “Wichita Lineman” and “By the Time I Get to Phoenix,” Tom T. Hall dishes about his musings for “Harper Valley P.T.A.,” Bobby Braddock reveals the history behind Tammy Wynette’s “D-I-V-O-R-C-E” and Alex Harvey tells about the person in his life who inspired “Delta Dawn.” You can read all about this fun book by Clicking Here.

So a full show on the radio this Sunday, June 26th live from 9:00 am until 11:00 am central time, on stations all over American and on this site.  I hope you will give a listen.

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