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You are visiting my site on: February 12, 2025

Founding Fathers, and Coping with Tragedy on the Radio!

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Another week goes by, and we are close to a new “˜Common sense” radio program to be aired.  The regular broadcast time is live on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am until 11:00 am central time.  But a number of our affiliated network run “Common Sense” at other times throughout the week, so check your local station to verify the exact time.  Our program is listened to by over 400,000 listeners on the worldwide web alone.  And can you believe that some 20% of the listening audience is from outside the United States?  We also want to welcome new listeners this week on station WWNL, 1080 AM in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

We broadcast live his week from Shreveport, Louisiana, where listeners hear the “˜Common Sense” show on KIOU-1480 on the AM dial.  I’ll begin the show by taking a look at presidential politics.  How many really serious candidates are emerging from the Republican ranks?  And we will talk about what the Founding fathers would say about the hot-button issues of the day with author Larry Schweikart, who has a New York Times best seller in “What Would the Founders Say?“Â  His book is listed by Clicking Here.

And how do you respond when the doctor say “There’s No Cure” to  a serious health problem?  Do you just accept the outcome or become pro active?  We will talk with Jerry Smith about his new book “Does God Give Us More Than We can Bear? You can find out about Jerry by Clicking Here. So a full agenda on the “Common sense” network of stations this coming week.  I’ll see you on the radio.

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