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You are visiting my site on: February 19, 2025

American’s Top Training Institute!

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During my annual baseball spring training trip to Tampa each year, I spend my mornings at the Bollettieri Institute trying to stay in good shape for a guy my age.  This is one of the premier training facilities in the country with professional athletes in a number of sports coming here to reach peak fitness.  Many of the world’s top tennis pros live there year round.  Heisman Trophy winner Cam Newton spent the week at the Institute while I was there.  The facility includes state of the arts training programs in football, basketball, tennis, soccer, baseball and golf.  The Institute’s founder, Nick Bollettieri, takes a few minutes out of a training session to visit above.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Jd0vtUYRg5k" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

The guy who runs the tennis program at Bollettieri is Red Aimee, who is a Louisiana naïve from Laplace.  Red has been looking out for me at the Institute for a number of years, and we visited about his program above.

One of Red Aimee’s top players is Sabine Lasicki from Germany.  She is nationally ranked, and obviously has a bright future ahead. That’s me above giving her a few pointers. (Yeah, right!) You can check out her website by Clicking Here.

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