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You are visiting my site on: February 14, 2025

A Dangerous Threat to All Americans!

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When Tea party candidates throughout the country ran for office last fall, most members offered soaring campaign promises to defend liberty of ordinary Americans, and fight governmental intrusions on basic freedoms. But whatever hopes there were that newly elected Tea Partiers would put the brakes on intrusive domestic surveillance, illegal wire wiretapping and warrantless searches went out the window just 20 days into the new Congress.  The Patriot Act has become the most dangerous legislation ever passed by congress that undermines our basic freedoms.  Look at some of the commentary below.  And check out my views in my new column by Clicking Here.

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My Sunday radio show is shaping up to be a lively two hours, and I hope you will tune in.  Obviously, the Japanese Nuclear facility meltdown and the possibility of another war in Libya will be a front burner items to discuss.  We will also have two informative guests that bring some poignant issues that affect every one of us.  Conservative author and activist Bob Adelmann kicks off our fist hour in discussing the recently passed and so called “Patriot Act,’ one of the worst pieces  of legislation in the country’s history.  I agree whole heatedly with Bob that Tea Partiers in Congress “cut and ran” in failing to stand up for basic freedoms that are guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.  You can read Bob Adelmann’s disturbing article by Clicking Here.  Bob is a regular contributor to The new American, a well written journal that argues in support of opposing the undermining of our basic freedoms in our country today.  You can find out more about The New American by Clicking Here.

Aldo on the show in the second hour is futurist Dr. Curt Stager, who has a new book out called DEEP FUTURE;  the Next 100,000 Years of Life on Earth. Dr. Stager is a self-described “converted climate skeptic” who believes our behavior in the 21st century will determine the magnitude and longevity of our legacy for thousands of year to come.  So a full agenda, and a show well worth tuning in to for two hours on Sunday morning.  See details for listening to the show over the internet above and on radio stations all across America.  For more information about Dr. Stager’s new book, Click Here.

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