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You are visiting my site on: February 12, 2025

Are you up to Runnin’ a Marathon?

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I always wanted to run a marathon.  I did finish several triathlons, but never took the challenge of one of the major marathons throughout the world. The granddaddy of them all is the Athens Marathon, and how many such races can celebrate a 2,500th anniversary?  The first marathon was run back in 490 B.C. at the Battle of marathon, a Greek City.  When the battle was won, a messenger carried the news back to Athens on foot, a distance of 26.2-miles.  And that’s the standard marathon distance today.  In the New Orleans airport, I met the two local ladies pictured above on their way to Athens last week, to make the annual run.  Three cheers to Twyle Torregano and Carolyn Fink, for their yeoman’s effort.

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