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You are visiting my site on: December 11, 2024

How much does money motivate you?

Jim Brown Audio Player
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

We are all motivated by money to some degree”¦.right?  Yes, money can be a powerful motivator, but as studies performed by universities around the country (and this video below) explain, rewarding people financially only works to a point. Beyond that, you need autonomy and purpose.  You will find the following verbal commentary a fascinating review of just what motivates us.  After a certain point, money really doesn’t matter that much.  Or so the following analysis concludes.  Take look and see what you think.  But watch it.  You won’t be disappointed.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/u6XAPnuFjJc" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

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