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You are visiting my site on: February 14, 2025

Is Sotomayor the Best Pick for Supreme Court?

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There is all this new lingo in national politics.  Remember “Getting Borked” and of course the “Hanging chads?” We won’t forget “Lipstick on a pit bull.”Â  But the latest is a “wise Latina,” two words that have been repeated ad nauseam since the middle of May, when the record of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor began to be picked apart.  I have grave concerns about the Judge and wrote about them in this week’s column.  Her failure to properly deal with the case of the appeal from an innocent man raises, in my mind, serious questions about her competency to ascend to the Supreme Court. You can read of the judge’s seriously questionable decision to keep an innocent man in jail by Clicking Here.  Read over my column now posted, and look at the video below that tells a tragic story involving judge Sotomayor.  Then take the poll on the left and let us know how you feel about Sotomayor’s qualifications.  You can read the column by Clicking Here.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/tl8d8u472xo" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


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