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You are visiting my site on: March 12, 2025

No Transparency in Governor’s Office!

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What’s happening to Bobby Jindal and transparency in government?  The Governor has lost me on the political or “good government” benefits of keeping his records more secret than any governor in the nation.  This is a personal issue with me.  Back in the mid 1970s when I was a state senator, I authored and passed the strongest public records law in the country.  The law was cited by a number of national groups as being the example that every state should follow.  I followed this up by authoring Louisiana’s Open Meetings law, again cited as the strongest such requirement in America.  So we have gone from first to last.  Again, I just can’t figure out where the Governor is coming from.  There is no political benefit in his opposition to opening up his records as governors in all other states do.  It would see he has something to hide.  With only one year in office?  Below is a news clip from WWL in New Orleans pointing out Jindal’s problem.  If he is as smart as he is alleged to be, he should back off his opposition to a good government issue that is certainly tainting his image.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/X3HtYqXnWpU" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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