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You are visiting my site on: February 19, 2025

Rush and Homer Simpson Have Computer problems

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It was Friday the 13th.  Rush Limbaugh told his listeners:

There was a promise from the Obama administration, the new era of responsibility and transparency, that all such legislation would be posted on the Internet for five days so that the public could read what is being voted on.  Ain’t going to happen.  In addition, they have reformatted the bill.  They’ve made it a PDF file when they posted it.  Now, for those of you that don’t use computers, basically what that means is that it cannot be keyword searched.  A PDF file is essentially a picture of a page, and so you can read every page but you cannot keyword search it.  It’s not a text file as legislation normally is, as posted on these public websites.  They don’t want anybody knowing what’s in this.

Limbaugh intoned, “Now, for those of you that don’t use computers…..” that PDF files can’t be searched.  Actually PDF files are easy to work with and can be searched by keyword.  One only has to click on the binocular icon in the PDF toolbar to put in a keyword search. 

It’s probably pure coincidence that TV cartoon character Homer Simpson has had similar problems learning to use a computer. Take a look below.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/qaTG-LIQ7sY" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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