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You are visiting my site on: March 12, 2025

Healthcare Crisis in Louisiana

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There’s a three hundred pound gorilla loose in Louisiana called “public healthcare” that continues to eat up a growing sector of the state’s tax dollars.  Meanwhile, the state’s efforts are focused on trying to stop the bleeding, with little emphasis on offer affordable healthcare to over one million people who do not qualify for pubic assistance.  The working poor, many who are middleclass, just cannot afford the high cost of healthcare insurance. And just this week, a new study was released concluding that Louisiana is the most unhealthiest  stae in the nation.   (To read the full study, Click Here.)


 The Legislature hasn’t even considered any options for those in need of cheaper health insurance.  And the Governor, who cut his teeth on healthcare issues, is under criticism for traveling the country rather than dealing with this front burner issue. (See story on his travels by Clicking Here.)  Jim looks at this serious problem in this week’s column.  You can read it now by Clicking Here.

1 Response
  1. Nancy

    Health care is a federal issue as much as a state one. We need new leadership for La in Washington and we should start with Vitter. Sec. of State Jay Dardenne is raising money now to challenge Vitter and he can win.

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